By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

These studies are based upon the need to understand the actions of God and man, during the imminent change from this present Administration of God's Grace to His next, that of His Kingdom in Israel.

The understanding is progressive, that is we do not regard these findings as final, reserving the right to add to their clarity as the results of Scriptural study allow.

It is first necessary to understand the Administration of Grace by which God is dealing with mankind today. This is not what a number of Christians have been taught, nor come to believe.

It is then possible to recognise God's purpose after His imminent intervention. He will continue the setting up of The Kingdom of Heaven in Israel which was introduced by The King Himself. The thousand year reign of Christ, based upon His Second Coming is yet many years away.

By this understanding, it is possible to examine the transition between these two periods, during which Christ Himself will intervene in favour of those that are His.

It has also been necessary........

to understand the priorities of God' purposes which are continually stated throughout the Scripture.

to understand by what means God measures the passage of time during the fulfilment of these priorities.

to understand the opposition by The Present World Order, how and by what means the resistance is being arranged.

The By Grace publications are displayed chronologically in the left-hand menu for ease of navigation. However, the author originally intended for readers to link and navigate these stages in the order displayed below, to build up the understanding logically. If you are new to By Grace, we advise you to start with this curated order. Each stage is illustrated by a chart, supporting the explanation graphically. Each stage leads to the next section through the use of click buttons

By Grace studies are authored by George Morris see for more information and the predecessor of