By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

Gabriel’s Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of Years.

Having recognised and reasoned that The Kingdom of God was opened to all the Jews at the time of Christ's and the apostles’ ministry and that the great majority of the prophecies and parables relating to it had not been fulfilled, I was able to leave behind the false notion held by many church groups that we Christians are working in and for 'The Kingdom of God'.

I was therefore able to consider any Scriptures which related to the 70 weeks of years, both The Last Days and that of the future The Kingdom of God in Israel.

Daniel was a member of the Tribe of Judah.. The archangel Gabriel appeared to him and informed him concerning events which would affect his tribe and that of Benjamin. We have to remember that at the time of this visitation, the other ten tribes had been told by God that they were 'not my people' [Lo-ami], and so were scattered among the nations [Ezekiel 11:16-17].

So what exactly did Gabriel tell Daniel?

Daniel was told that a Godly work had to be carried out during 70 weeks of years, i.e. 490 years, relating to his people and his holy city. This work is founded upon the commission of The Christ which He announced in Nazareth in 27ad., prophesied by Isaiah [Luke 4:16-21]:

Christ's fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy...….Gabriel's prophecy given to Daniel.
The work of the Messiah The Messiah’s work fulfilled

He hath anointed me to anoint the most Holy
to set at liberty them that are bruised to finish the transgression
to send forth the crushed in deliverance to make an end of sins
to preach deliverance to the captives to make reconciliation for iniquity
to preach good news to the humble and afflicted to bring in everlasting righteousness
and recovering of sight to the blind. to seal up the vision and prophecy

Christ indicated that it was He, the anointed one, whom God had prophesied by Isaiah to achieve those six listed items which would deliver Israel. Gabriel listed the six items, indicating the application of those things to be consolidated during the 490 years.

The chart below illustrates the elements of Gabriel’s prophecy. The first 7 weeks is the period of The Christ’s ministry followed by His work with the apostles recorded in their Acts. It was postponed after 5 weeks followed by the introduction of the present Administration of God’s Grace [Ephesians ch.3]
Christ's ministry began in 27ad during the 30th Jubilee. It continued during the Period of the Acts of the Apostles [Mark 16:20]. It is evident from many Scriptures written about and during this period, that shortly, all the Christians of that period anticipated a great change was about to occur [1John 2:18 gk: ‘last hour’]. This involved the full implementation of the prophesies relating to The Kingdom including their commencement at the beginning of Gabriel's 62nd week. Had this been fulfilled at that time, 'after the first 7 weeks' [49 years or 1 Jubilee] they would have experienced the establishment of The Kingdom in Israel at the time of the 31st Jubilee. This was postponed after five weeks when God by Paul struck all the Jews with Spiritual blindness [Acts 28:26-27]. Had God not done this, the Kingdom of Heaven in Israel would have begun at the 31st Jubilee in 76ad.
The chart above illustrates the dates of this fulfilment of Gabriel’s prophecy. The dating of the events during the time of Gabriel’s prophecy are shown on this chart, being based upon the date of 27ad when it began, its duration of 490 years giving the year during which ‘the stone cut out without hands’ [Daniel 2:34] would have demolished all the earthly kingdoms and ‘become the kingdoms of Our Lord and of His Christ’ [Revelation 11:15].

We know that this sequence was interrupted, because God intervened in 62ad, some fourteen years before the 31st Jubilee, introducing thie present Spiritual blindness of The House of Judah. Seven years later God introduced by Paul the present Administration of His Grace [] which we to-day continue to experience. Many Christians do not recognise this Godly Administration, preferring to believe that they experience a ‘Spiritual version’ of God’s Kingdom described in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. They are expecting the Second Advent of The Christ following the imminent tribulation during the last seven years of Gabriel’s prophecy. This erroneous interpretation will be counterfeited by the Evil One, thus deceiving many Christians in the fulfilment of Paul’s statement: As Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these men also resist the Truth. [2Tim. 3:8]
We need therefore to modify the previous chart by inserting the period of the House of Judah’s blindness and this present Administration of God’s Grace. God’s activities are based upon a self imposed timing system of shemittahs, Jubilees, Priestly courses. All these periods are factors related to the meaning given by God to Numbers in Scripture. A study of these revealed aids to understanding has led us to the belief that this Administration of God’s Grace will last for 1960 years. i.e. 40 Jubilee periods where 40 has the meaning of probation, trial and chastisement which is the result of Spiritual blindness imposed by God upon the Jews [Acts 28:26-27] We now need to insert both of these periods of time each continuing for 1960 years, into the chart as shown. Following 62ad there was a seven year period of TRANSITION, the first, which is detailed in Paul's last seven letters by his actions and his statements. Because entry to the Kingdom in Israel was no longer possible, the Christians of the period were instructed in the way that their Churches should be arranged [1 & 2 Timothy and Titus]. Paul agonised over his relationship with his Lord in order to 'know Him and the fellowship of His sufferings and the power of His resurrection', putting aside all those things that meant much to him as a Jew [Philippians]. Having achieved this, God revealed to him the details and purpose of this new Administration of His Grace before he wrote the 'Ephesian' and Colossian letters. In the former he tells us of his prayer: 
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know

what is the hope of his calling, and
what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And
what is the exceeding greatness of his power

to us-ward who believe, [Ephesians 1:17]

This should be the prayer of all of us who to-day, diligently seek to understand the purposes of God as He tests, trains and informs us during our increasing maturity.

From the chart it can be appreciated that there must be a corresponding SECOND TRANSITION because Gabriel’s prophecy relates firstly to 'your people' [Spiritually blinded and deafened in 62ad] and secondly to 'your Holy City' [destroyed by the Romans in 69/70ad]. A gap of seven years, a shemittah.
By studying the chart on the previous page you will have seen that as we approach the close of this Administration of God's Grace, The Last Days will recommence. For seven years, or one shemittah, the events given in chapter three of Paul's second letter to Timothy will be experienced. The present days in this first decade of the 21st century are leading up to the start of this prophesy, thus many parts of it are in preparation and thus our experience. Those who oppose the Truth are preparing a 'miraculous' counterfeit of God's Word which will be manifest before 2029ad during The Evil Day.[2Tim 3:8. Eph 6:13]

The SECOND TRANSITION will commence in 2022ad, with Spiritual understanding returning to the House of Judah, and end in 2029ad with the Holy City being free from Gentile domination at the time of the phanerOsis of Jesus Christ [Colossians 3:4]. This action introduces and establishes the Kingdom of The Heavens in Israel and in all the earth. This first phase of the established kingdom then last for over 400 years, ending in the blazing forth at the Second Advent of The Lord Jesus Christ i.e the parousia with His epiphania [1Thessalonians 4:13-18] on the 80th Jubilee at the end of Gabriel's prophesy in 2477ad.

I am sure that those who understand the meaning of God's numbers will not miss the significance of the timing of the 30th, 40th and 80th Jubilees, nor the meaning contained in the factors of the 1960 years.........40 x 49.