By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

The True MAGI….....The Prophet MOSES....The Apostle PAUL

The record of these God honouring men is revealed in The Word of Truth, the Christian Bible. This book contains the revelation of God's purposes and directs us to the meaning of The True LIFE of God, itself. All who give honour to this WORD, God honours with understanding. Understanding which arises from this mind, does not reflect that which is engineered by the intellect of man, self reliant theologians trained in academia and opposed to the Godly principle

Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths

For this reason, the solution of the 'Alien' / planetary artefact/UFO problem given below will be seen to differ from the erroneous desire of many researchers, that of an Alien Salvation of the World's problems.

Those who are initiating the One World Government are planning to impose an ‘alien’ leadership, in the belief that such a ‘superior’ mind can solve the many present world problems. To persuade the world population that this external authority is needed, many man made disasters and supposed catastrophes are being engineered and introduced. The thoughtful observer can already perceive the way that the central media control is deceitfully amplifying these ‘disasters’ but has yet to realise the reason.
THE REALITY…..A Story for grownups.

A very long time ago, after the rebellious attitude of  mankind was known, a MAN was born whom his mother believed to be the saviour of the world. He rebelled against the purposes of God, hiding from His presence, departed to live on Earth's companion.

Eventually, with his family and slaves, by the aid of Superior Beings, he built an empire amongst the planets. He ruled over mankind for many hundreds of years, until a planetary catastrophe destroyed him and his empire. 

However, many of his family survived and sought to re-establish his authority by covert means. The Superior Beings continued to teach and support this family by many secret procedures, including means of communication, interplanetary travel, methods of control and devices of power.

Eventually planetary control faded, but remained systematically channelled on earth. And so it was until recent years..

The story of the founding of this empire
can be read in the leaflet By Grace No.51.

An ancient nation, in the place and likeness of this family is to-day supported by the same Superior Beings. It has gradually, through these many secret devices, developed man's sciences in order to re-establish the planetary empire and attempt to pre-empt God's promised purposes.

These things are happening before our eyes, but it seems that only the mentally courageous and discerning understand. Hybrids are made and given demonic life in order to control by deceit. Interplanetary travel between colonies is re-established and in order to support this new planetary empire, a New World Order is being formed.

Centralised world government and direct control is needed and mankind is stealthily educated to receive it. 

The identity of these present day empire builders
is told in the leaflet By Grace No.52

We have been introduced to the false concept of the superiority of hybrid or 'Alien' authority, and are being educated to submit to this falsity. The question remains:
By what means will this New World Order be imposed ?

The Christian Scriptures describe the principle upon which this action will be based. The Apostle Paul gives the opening sequence of the twenty-one statements concerning the reintroduction of The Last Days, comparing this process to that which The Evil Magi of the Pharaoh of Egypt in 1491bc, withstood the release of the twelve tribes of Israel and the Godly actions of Moses and Aaron, their Prophet and High Priest. .

Men and Women will be 'ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of The Truth' so, as the Evil Magi of Egypt 'withstood Moses, so do these also resist The Truth' people 'of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith.

The purpose of The Pharaoh's resistance was to keep the Children of Israel in Slavery. God's demand upon him was: 'Let My People Go'. The result of this well known story of the confrontation between Pharaoh and Moses depended upon the outcome between their authorities.

The Signs that were displayed by Moses, depended upon the miraculous power of God Himself. These signs were counterfeited by the Evil Magi’s use of The Earth Power [Gk: ta epigeia] in an attempt to prove the superiority of the authority of Egypt.

This example teaches us that the World authorities and their ‘alien’ masters will seek to fully establish Their New World Order in a counterfeit confrontation with God, when God manifests and establishes His New Order. The Christian Scriptures describe this in The New Testament using the term: The Kingdom of God. 

This confrontation between The Truth and the manifestation of ‘alien’ power will affect the minds of all mankind. The details can be read on leaflet By Grace No.53

However, God will not be thwarted in His purposes. When these deceits begin to mature, He has promised to intervene, telling us that 'they shall proceed no further'. His own plan has been made available and will be fulfilled. His government will be established amongst mankind.

God will Intervene.
PSALM 83 defines the nations that are in league against God’s people: The chart on the next page shows their generation.

They have taken crafty council against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said Come and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance, for they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee……..Let them be confounded and troubled for ever: yes let them be put to shame and perish that men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah are the most high over all the earth.

These are the nations, marked in red, set against Israel in The Last Days.