By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

It is not easy to accept this conclusion, because much depends upon faith, i.e. the faith which is generated by Jesus Christ, The Word of God, in a Christian’s faith.

To be honourable, a Christian needs to believe upon the basis of the Truth generated by the Word of God. There is much understanding in this, if a Christian is prepared to put aside the pressure that is imposed upon all of us to accept the teaching of science. God says that the latter is 'falsely so called' because it is generated by man's intelligence alone, without reference to the outflow of God's Truth. Blessed is the man or woman who can learn to wholeheartedly accept the latter, yet refer intelligently [by the personal presence of The Spirit of God], to the many wonderful discoveries made in the name of 'science'. What follows is upon this basis..
A number of Little Known Facts Recognised in the Record of The God Breathed Word, Point the Way to a True Understanding

1. When God restored the Earth after it had been become chaotic, He describes the land as one island protruding out of the waters of the Earth. When the restoration was complete, He named this dry land, 'Earth'. This work of His was completed approximately 6,000years ago. Scientists have named this original island Pangaea. The diagram on page one gives a rough representation of the change from one land mass to the present day positioning of the continents. This movement began approximately 4,500 years ago during the life of Peleg, the son of Eber, the father of the Hebrews. 

 2. The first man Adam, and his wife, Eve, were formed and created during the time that God was restoring the Earth, approximately 6,000 years ago according to the record of The Christian Scriptures..........not hundreds of thousands as archaeologists have come to state.

Further details of this diagram can be found in the CREATION SCIENCE MOVEMENT leaflet. Speed of Light [Author: Malcolm Bowden C.Eng., M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Details are given in leaflet By Grace No.6
3. About one hundred years before the movement of the continents began, The Universal Flood covered the Earth above every mountain. All men 'upon the face of the earth' died, with the exception of eight people.... Noah and his family, his wife and three sons with their wives.

4. There were many humans who were not drowned, because they were not upon the face of the Earth when the Universal Flood occurred. These humans were the sons and daughters of Cain. His generation occupied the heavens, or planets of the Solar system, as the Nephilim or ‘fallen and rebellious ones’ named after Cain’s resentment of his judgement by God [Gen 4:8-13]

5. Before the date of the Earth's Universal flood around 4,500years ago, the satellite of the Earth we call The Moon, was not circling the earth. It was first seen when the flood was over and the mists had cleared. It is named in Hebrew 'New ', meaning 'not previously present'

6. When God says: 'In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth' He is referring to the Earth and that which was 'heaved up' [Heb: shemayim.....'heavens'] from the sun. In other words, the solar system, one planet of which revolved around the earth. That which was later named Mars. [see item 8 below].

7. When God says: 'and the Earth was without form and void', He is referring to a disaster which affected the Earth to such an extent that it became a rough mass of rock and water.

8. Mordecai the champion of Esther is known to have been a 'worshipper of Mars'. The Hebrew for 'Mordecai' is: YKDRM. 'Y' as a suffix is translated 'of'. The Hebrew word 'KDRM' stands for 'The planet MARS'. So that Mordecai's name indicates that he honoured or worshipped MARS. [According to Gesenius, the Hebrew could also mean non-literal 'little man'. This was probably the Persian name given to Mordecai during his imprisonment in Babylon] Specifically the Hebrew word 'KDRM' gives us the name of the Babylonian idol : Merodach, which represented the Planet Mars. From this we know that the planet Mars itself is defined in the Hebrew of the Old Testament by the consonant letters RM. In order to interpret this correctly it is necessary to know that the Hebrew alphabet does not contain vowels as in the English: a,e,i,o and u, within a word. In Hebrew the small marks beneath the consonants define the vowels. Since Hebrew writing is from Right to Left, in English the letters are reversed thus: MR, clearly showing the first two consonants of the name: MARS. At this point it should be noted that the Hebrew name of the idol Merodach, being KDRM, has the root: DRM. From the concordance of Gesenius, the meaning is given as: 'To be contumacious, rebellious, to move sedition. It was regarded by the ancient Shemites as the author of bloodshed and slaughter' [see Ezekiel 35:6-8 where Mount Seir, the symbolic dwelling place of both Cain and Esau, the planet Mars is judged…….Obadiah]. Thus this meaning reflects the rebellious character of the 'god' of Mars, Cain himself.
We should now concentrate upon the meaning and use of the two Hebrew letters for the name of the planet Mars: RM. They do not appear as part of Proper Nouns in the Scripture, adjacent to one another, before the record of the Universal Flood, neither in the generation of Seth nor the generation of Cain. But after the Universal Flood there are many names containing the letters RM, as we have seen with Mordecai. There are: Gomer[RMG], Amraphel[LPRMA], Chedorlaomer[RMLRDK], the Amorite[YRMAH], the Zemarite[YRMCH], Gomorrah[HRMIW] and of course Nimrod[DRMN]. There are no persons with these adjacent letters in their names in either the generation of Noah or the generation of Terah, the father of Abram. In the New Testament the English word MARS appears once when referring to the place in Athens where Paul preached the Good News. The Greek place-name is Areios ‘belonging to the Greek god Ares’ [The Roman god of war, MARS.]

Prior to the dispersion at Babel, the builders of the Tower, up to Heaven, had 'slime' (bitumin) for 'mortar' with which to build. Both these Hebrew words contain the adjacent letters RM, perhaps suggesting an association with the planet Mars.

At the time of the Universal Flood, we are told that all the fountains of the great deep were risen and 'the windows of the heaven were opened and rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights,.......until all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered'. This tells us that the rain-waters came onto the Earth from Heaven.
Sometime in the past, the planet Mars lost the water in its seas. At present 'science' finds this a puzzle, although it is increasingly forced by its examination of the planet, to accept it. Please see:

9. The Old Testament Book of GENESIS is the book of Generations, the generations of Adam, the generations of Noah, the generations of the sons of Noah, etc., etc.........down to the Generations of Jacob. A list of people always follows the phrase: 'these are the generations of'. Where the Hebrew word for Generations [TOWLDAH] always refers to people. The first use of this phrase is in Genesis 2:4, where it says:

These are the Generations of the Heavens and the Earth.

Although there is no list of people preceding this phrase, Christians have been taught that it refers to the 'seven days of creation' which are described in the previous verses. This is incorrect, and has prevented the correct meaning being recognised and accepted.

Looking carefully at the words following this phrase, those words which precede the next list of generations, that of Adam's direct line in Genesis 5:1, we find that Adam and his three sons Cain, Abel and Seth are referred to. First there is the forming of Adam to tend the garden which God had made, then the introduction of Eve. Then the act of creation upon Adam and Eve. After that there is the disobedience of Adam resulting in the introduction of death and the ejection of both Adam and Eve from the garden. Then there is the birth of Adam's twins, Cain and Abel, followed by the murder of Abel by Cain. Cain is then exiled to the Land of Wandering [See BG.112] prior to his generation being listed. Then there is the birth of Seth and his son, Enos. The passage ends with the statement: 'then began men to call upon The Lord'. After a period of time Cain left the Land of Wandering to occupy the heavens:

In this passage, 'the Generations of the Heavens and the Earth', two generations are defined:
a. One group fathered by Adam's exiled son, Cain.
b. One group fathered by Adam's third son, Seth.
These are the generations referred to as that of the Heavens and the Earth, and following the universal flood, part of the generation of the exiled Cain return to the earth and occupy Canaan, the land promised to Abraham and his seed. Other than that, The sons of Cain are not referred to again by the same name, in the whole of the bible. Thus it is clear that prior to the flood, there is a generation of Cain occupying the Heavens, and a generation of Seth occupying the Earth. All bible students are familiar with the latter because this is the generation which is God's concentration in the rest of The Scripture.

The activity of Cain's generation of the Heavens is another matter because without that knowledge, men have begun to imagine all manner of 'alien' solutions, not recognising that the so called extra-terrestrials are part of the human race generated from Adam and Eve through Cain, who was of that Wicked One [1John 3:12]
10. It is necessary here to point out another error of general interpretation which has been perpetuated by the erroneous grammatical division of a verse in the KJ Version of our Bible, Genesis ch.6 verses 1 to 4. But, the translators of the Revised Version of this passage have interpreted the Hebrew original by correct punctuation

When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the Sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose. The Lord said: "My Spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh, but his days shall be a hundred and twenty years." The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the Sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. 

This error has lead students to believe that 'The Nephilim' is the name of the progeny of the Sons of God, because of statements concerning this name in ancient scripts, particularly the early chapters of the Book of Enoch. These early chapters are known to be corrupt. This has led many writers to enlarge upon this error, by suggesting that these 'beings' are alien to humans. A careful reading of the passage above shows that the words in italics, would best be placed in parenthesis defining the time when the Sons of God came in.

Who then are The Nephilim? To answer this, we need to follow the rules of Scripture interpretation by referring back to the first use of the Hebrew root word contained in the title........'The Nephilim'
The Hebrew letters can be represented by English ones so: MYLPNH, remembering that the Hebrew is written from right to left. The first letter 'H' is the definite article, 'The'. The last two letters: 'MY' [im] indicate that this noun is in the plural form. The remaining letters: 'LPN' show the root of the name......'nephil'.

Secondly, students of The Scripture recognise that the meaning of a word is found in the context of its first use in the book or document using the word being studied. In this case it is the book of Genesis. In these days of computers, it is easy to search this book for the first occurrence of the letters 'LPN'. They occur in the following passage:

And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? [Gen 4:3] 
The offering that Cain made was not acceptable to God. This rejection made Cain angry, resentful and rebellious, such that his countenance fell. The Hebrew of the words 'fell' and 'fallen' is 'LPN'. Thus Cain became known by God as the rebellious one, typified by his fallen countenance...The Fallen One, and his generation by the name 'The Fallen Ones' or THE NEPHILIM [Heb: MYLPNH]. This true understanding of the meaning of this name is based entirely upon the Word of God, and not upon any secular documents or guesswork in which a number of misguided authors are determined to introduce an extra terrestrial element together with all its implications. To be clear:

1. The children of the Sons of God are the Mighty Men, the Men of a Name, all of whom died in the universal flood. Their parents are bound in Tatarous.

2. The Nephilim, those who are in rebellion, are the sons/daughters of Cain’s generation on the planets, whose mutation included a gigantic structure. Some survived the flood because they were not on the earth at that time.

From this it is not difficult now to recognise the origin of such men as Quetzalcoatl, the mysterious teacher of tribes in South America. They were of the generation of Cain, having returned to earth at the time when The Sons of God married the daughters of Seth.....'in those days'. They were teachers of mankind, appearing again after the Universal Flood......'and also afterward'. This is stated in the following passage which describes the activity of the children of Cain. Jabal taught farming, Jubal taught music and the arts, Tubalcain instructed craftsmen in the use of brass and iron. These are the three fundamental activities of mankind....agriculture, art and industry.

Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. [Genesis 4:20]


Scripture Fact No.11 begins in
PART TWO of By Grace leaflet No.52