By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

The number of Little Known Facts, regarding This Subject, Nos. 1 to 10, are listed in the previous leaflet No.51. They Continue below from No.11. They are Recognised from the Record of The God Breathed Word Pointing to a True Understanding

11. The detail of Cain's exile confirms these conclusions. Consider the following passage:
And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. [Genesis 4:16]

There are a number of phrases here which need examination:

i. 'Cain went out from' 
ii. 'the presence of the Lord' 
iii. 'the land of Nod' 
iv. 'east of Eden'

i ‘Cain went out from' In verse 14, Cain accuses God: 'You have driven me out from the face of the Earth'. Notice the phrase 'out from' in both statements, the one defined by 'from the face of the Earth'. Cain says also: 'from Thy face shall I be hidden'. The word 'hidden' [Strong: 5641] means 'to hide oneself', having the sense of fleeing and fearing. So it is evident that Cain wished to hide himself in fear away from the presence of God, off the face of the Earth.

ii. 'from the presence of' are the same Hebrew words as 'from the face of'.

iii. 'the land of Nod' is a very interesting phrase having nothing to do with sleep! This is what it looks like in Hebrew: DWN-CRAb. Reversed into the anglicised form, reading from left to right:
Here it is divided into its parts: 

h ARC —– NWD of....[maqqeph]....Nod

Giving each piece of the phrase as follows:

h...........The definite article. This place is not one of many which the absence of the definite article would imply.

ARC........These three letters are exactly the same as those used in Genesis 1:1 where it says: In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. Yes, the word refers to our.......planet Earth. Sometimes it is convenient to translate the word 'land', but not in this case, since these verses are talking in planetary terms. At this point in history there was only one land mass [Genesis 1:9] named Earth in which the area of Eden to the East contained The Garden..

—............This little mark, part of the Hebrew grammar, tells us a very important fact. Hebrew scholars name it a 'maqqeph' whose meaning is as follows:

When two or more Hebrew words are closely associated in meaning, like a preposition and its object, they are often joined together by a hyphen like line called a 'maqqeph'. For grammatical purposes, they are considered virtually as one word. [E.W.Goodrick]

The maqqeph also implies ‘of’ or ‘belonging to’, since it is the Construct state: A Hebrew substantive which stands as a descriptive or possessive relationship to another. [E.W.Goodrick]

In order to understand this, here is an example:

In Genesis 2:16 there is the phrase: 'tree of the garden' which is written in Hebrew thus: NNH - SI  Here the maqqeph joins two nouns, 'tree' and 'garden', as it does in the English phrase 'land of Nod' .....'land' and 'Nod'.

As a further example, we say in English: 'Atlantic (of) Ocean', where two nouns put together to describe a place. The first noun, ATLANTIC, derives its meaning from the mythological figure of Atlas, 'the keeper of the tall pillars which hold heaven and earth asunder' which the Greeks believed rested in the sea immediately beyond the westerly horizon, the edge of the European land mass. The second noun OCEAN, is derived from the Greek word: 'Okeanos' meaning 'the encompassing' because on their ancient maps, the 'ocean' was wrapped round that known land mass of Europe. We have come to know this 'pool' which divides America from Europe as the.......'Atlantic Ocean'
NWD........................This is the second noun in the phrase 'land of Nod'. The translators did not know what to make of it so they transliterated the word, that is they made no attempt to translate it, merely copying the Hebrew letters into English letters. It has a basic meaning however which is given as: 'to be moved, to be agitated, to wander' and as a noun: 'a wanderer'. However, the Lexicon tells us that the literal meaning is ‘wandering’.

Thus the Hebrew title DWN—CRAb. is literally: The Land of Wandering

iv. 'East of Eden'............This is the Hebrew: NDI - TMDQ.
Again reversing it to the Anglicised form:

QDMT —– IDN    

East ......[a maqqeph]........ Eden

Here again the two words are joined by a maqqeph, indicating that they are closely associated in the genitive, being considered as one word, East-of Eden. But firstly we must understand that the Earth at this time was one large island as the following passage describes:

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. [Genesis 1:9-10]

So let us look at the deeper meaning of the two nouns making up this phrase considering the place of a dwelling which is IN the Earth.[Gen 4:14]

Eden [5730-1].........NDI The Hebrew meaning of this word is: delight, pleasure, to live sumptuously, delicately. This is an area of the Earth after God had performed His creative acts of restoration, described in Genesis chapter 1, upon its former condition of: 'without form and void', stated in the second verse of that chapter.

East [6926]...........TMDQ The Hebrew meaning of this word is: 'before, to the front of, particularly with regard to time. Thus in the direction of the rising sun'.

If we now gather these pieces of understanding together we can paraphrase these words in this way: When looking Eastward from Eden , toward the place where the sun rises, we will see The Land of wandering’.

There is a ‘land of wandering’ to the East of Eden, towards the place where the sun rises.
This is clear, but we still need to interpret the phrase 'earth of wandering'. In the New Testament Greek there is a word: 'planEtEs' which is translated as 'wandering star', or according to Thayer, just 'wanderer'. Throughout the years, astronomers have always recognised planets as 'wanderers' because from the position of the Earth, they appear to wander back and forth across the starry background. All the planets have orbits round the sun, including the Earth of course. Moons are regarded as having orbits around the planets.

The wanderer we are considering is 'closely associated' with the Earth, so therefore must have its orbit around the Earth, but remains East of Eden.

In these enlightened days of spaceships, moon landings and terra-forming, it is certainly not difficult to understand this meaning of the phrase in question. Man has rocketed satellites into orbit around the earth and caused many of them to be stationary above certain places in order that communication signals will remain constant. These are known as geo-stationary orbits, i.e. when we look upward, we would see these satellites apparently hanging there in space.

The object we are considering however, wanders about but generally stays in the same place. How can this be? We shall need to think in three dimensions.

If the object's orbit is slightly eccentric to the position of the Earth, as days go by, it will appear to wander from side to side. If the plane of its orbit is slightly more or less than 90 degrees to the Earth's axis, it will appear to wander up and down. If both these conditions were active, it would be difficult to estimate where it was going to appear the next day. It would be visible in the East except during the hours of sunrise when the brightness of the sun would dominate.

12. Thus we have a ‘wanderer’, a planet associated with the Earth. Three questions come to mind: 1. Where was the wanderer when God created the Heavens and the Earth ? 2. Why is it now no longer associated with the Earth? 3. Is it known to-day?.
12/1 The Hebrew word for ‘heavens’ is SHEMAYIM meaning literally ‘heaved up things’. God created these at the same time as the Earth, ‘In The Beginning’. They are not the stars, these being noted in Genesis 1:16. ‘The Heaved up Things’ are all those heavenly bodies, planets, moons and comets etc. associated with our own star, the sun.

12/2 We know that the Wanderer planet, does not revolve round the Earth nowadays. It is not identified with our Moon because that was not in orbit around the Earth before the Universal flood. After the latter, when the rain and mists had cleared, the Moon was first seen and named by the Hebrew word for 'new', meaning that it had not been present before. The Wanderer planet, was no longer present in its orbit around the Earth, but had probably been disturbed by the coming into orbit of what we now know as our Moon. .

The Wanderer orbit around the Earth was disturbed in such a way that it came near to the Earth and thus discharged the water in its seas upon the Earth. At the same time it would 'pull' at the waters of the earth. Being smaller than the Earth, the stronger gravity of our planet would have 'pulled' the seas from the Wanderer across the gap between the two planets. The Bible puts it this way:
'all the fountains of the great deep were risen, and the windows of the heavens were opened up, and the rain was on the earth forty days and forty nights'. 

12/3 Noah and his family would have experienced and recognised these terrible changes giving the wanderer a new and appropriate name. According to the Genesis record, after the Universal Flood, the name of the planet Mars came to be worshiped as a disturbing and warlike god. [See By Grace No.51] The generation of Cain upon Mars would have suffered in the resulting disturbance, the majority being wiped out. However a remnant survived. [See By grace No. 53 page 9]

13. Underlying this study, are two outstanding questions:

How was Cain able to travel from Earth to The Heavens ?

From whence did Cain's generation gain their knowledge ?

We have seen in Items 10 and 11 above, that Cain was deeply resentful of God's decision not to accept his offering. Later, after murdering his brother Abel, he left the surface of the Earth to dwell ‘East of Eden’. Subsequently, Satan, the source of all the unGodly rebellious activity found in the heart of mankind, helped Cain to achieve his purpose, as the following passage confirms:

For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous. [1John 3:11]
This is a statement written in the Greek of the New Testament. The word 'of' translates the Greek word 'ek'. This is best explained by reference to parallel passages a little later in this letter, where John tells his Christian readers:   'Ye are of God'  and again: 'We are of God, he that knows God hears us; He that is not of God, does not hear us'. Cain's allegiance was given to 'that wicked one', even Satan. Whereas the Christian's allegiance is given to God, even The Lord Jesus Christ. Cain was a creation of Satan, even as the Christian is a New Creation of God.

It is known from the Scriptures that a third of all the angelic powers have chosen to give their allegiance to this rebellious being [Revelation 12:4], who had been God's 'anointed cherub.....until iniquity was found' in him. It is not therefore difficult to recognise that the expertise needed to travel from Earth to The Heavens was given to Cain by these Angelic Powers. We are aware to-day that the technology needed to overcome gravity enables vast weights to float above the earth and even move from earth into outer space. Tubal-cain would have been the one to develop such knowledge being 'an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron'. Similarly the superior knowledge of these powers was easily acquired by Cain's generation who recognised that 'knowledge is power'. They therefore established an hierarchy, subjecting much of mankind to the rebellious attitude of their leader. This hierarchy has existed from that time forth.
 14. Thus we have come to understand how the Scriptures tell us that The Planet Mars was occupied about 6000 years ago, when Cain, by his self exile began to build an empire in the heavens. They returned to Earth on many occasions, being described in the Christian Scriptures as men, gigantic men. They taught the origins of Agriculture, manufacturing of metals and many aspects of the arts. Sometimes the Scriptures named these giants. One, Goliath, was fought and killed by the boy David, the future king of Israel. Their remains have been excavated in many places throughout the Earth.  

From the first statement in the Bible, God tells us that: In the Beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. In simple dramatic terms, here is the description of what we have discovered from the Bible statements above. Two planets, one revolving around the other, recognised and described from Eden, the restored Earth. God asks us, as He asked Job:

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?   [Job 38:4]

Detailed information fed back from the orbiting American and Russian satellites of Mars have shown many strange intelligently made structures; also lakes of water, fossils and living foliage and even vast forests. This confirms a stable environment suitable for living beings. The bible tells us that these beings were human, generated from Adam. It was Adam's son Cain whose generation long ago populated Mars and in the low gravity became gigantic, then returning to Earth to confront the Israelites and occupy their promised land of Canaan. In recent times, Mars and other planetary satellites have been occupied by the descendants of Esau, the sworn enemy of Israel his brother. This is again confirmed by the detailed information fed back from the orbiting American and Russian satellites. It is the descendents of Isaac's son Esau who now, to-day have reoccupied Mars in order to control World affairs by seeking to fulfil and counterfeit The Word of God. This they are doing in order to manifest a World Saviour by miraculous means. Religious people throughout the World are expecting this World Saviour, particularly the Muslims and Christians. The descendents of Esau, in league with the remnants of the descendants of Adam's son Cain The Nephilim or Kenites at present working to a plan which produces plagues, earthquakes and famines in diverse places in order to seemingly fulfil the following Scriptures:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 

Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.  [2Timothy 3:1] 

Thus will the enemy of Israel seek to gain total power over him until  God will call a halt to this counterfeit, as He has said: 'they shall proceed no further'.

when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob. [Isaiah 59:19-20]
saith the LORD.