By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

Summary of the important steps which have brought me to this present position.

Recognition of the fact that God, the One who made us, has produced a unique record of His communication with all human beings This He has done in order that they will not be ignorant regarding His purposes.
Committal as a Christian in obedience and worship of God, even The Lord Jesus Christ. Application of my talent for the understanding of pattern, numbers and design in the detail of God’s communication..
Understanding of the teaching of the general doctrine applying to the Evangelical Denomination of Christian Churches.
The discovery of the application of The Secret Administration of God’s Grace to all His activities since its introduction in 62ad. This was a major step forward in understanding., moving away from the general erroneous belief that all Christians are to-day subject to a Spiritual version of The Kingdom of Heaven.
The recognition of the fact that The Administration of God’s Grace, being hidden in God until revealed in 62ad would not be recognised in any Old or New Testament prophecy. At the same time it was recognised that Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy related to the end of his first commission and not the end of his life.
The acceptance of the fact that all references to the original Hebrew and Greek phrases translated as The Last or Latter Days applied to a single unique period of time. Because three of these references were already fulfilled leaving the remaining sixteen as future events, it was recognised that this present Administration divided one from the other.
The six conditions prophesied by Daniel concerning Your People and Your Holy City are identified with the six conditions announced by The Christ at the beginning of His Commission on the occasion of the 30th Jubilee in Nazareth.. The first seven weeks of Daniel’s prophecy[49 years] have applied and will apply to Christ’s ministry with His apostles.

Having reached this point, there seemed little more for the application of my God given talents of pattern and number recognition , but I was wrong. Further study was about to reveal all the important timings of God’s activities
At this point in my journey of understanding it became necessary to resolve the following questions:
What exactly are The Last Days ?
Of what days are they the last ?
What is the duration of these days ?
What is the duration of The Last Days

Although I had listened to many talks and sermons based upon the activities during The Last Days, I had not heard anyone answer these questions according to a Scriptural resolution. No doubt there are many Christians who have attempted to answer these questions, but I decided that I would not bias by understanding by seeking their answers. Rather would I give full consideration, by prayer, to a full Scriptural resolution.

Whenever the phrase is mentioned in Scripture, it is assumed that those to whom it referred would understand its meaning. I was therefore drawn to consider the first time that the phrase ‘The Last Days’ was used. This is found in Genesis 49:1.

And Jacob called unto his sons and said ‘Gather yourselves together that I may tell you that which shall befall, you in The Last Days’.

There is no clue here as to its meaning. His sons recognised to what Jacob was referring and did not question the statement. Therefore a previous statement must define the meaning . The immediate previous use of the word ‘days’ in the Hebrew text occurs as follows:

And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: and the days of Jacob were the years of his life, seven years and a hundred and forty years [Genesis 47:28]

This is the Interlinear Literal Translation, the KJV loses the meaning. Here in this literal translation is the phrase: 'The days of Jacob'. The Scripture seems to be indicating a parallel between the years of Jacob's life and the days of Jacob's life. In the Scripture the word 'days' is implied, or used, to indicate long periods of time. Here are a few examples:

In God's forming and creating of the Earth which He describes in the contents of the first chapter of Genesis, there are seven DAYS referred to. It has been found that each day was 700years in length. See the Introduction to the summation of Biblical Dates By Grace No.9.
The book of The Revelation describes The Day of The Lord [Rev.1:10] Certainly not 24 hours.
The Day of Man[1Cor. 4:3] is a vast period of time, from Noah's day to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
The Day of God seems to have no limit in time[2 Peter 3:12]

Using the name 'Jacob' suggests that the period is related to his time in the flesh. If so, then the events in the life of Jacob reflect events in the life of the Israelites. What is the limiting span of that life? Jacob lived for 147years and we know from a study of all the Last Days references that the 'Second Advent of Jesus Christ is the limiting event of the days of the life of the tribes of Israel before they find their fulfilment under His direct rule.. This being so, those chosen of God from Jacob, all the tribes of The whole House of Israel, begin their span of life at Jacob's birth and end it when God assumes direct control of the world order before His Second Advent which is the equivalent of Jacob's earthly walk, ending in his death and future resurrection.

When Jacob described The last Days of his twelve sons, they therefore understood that he was describing the equivalent time to the Last Days of his own life. An examination of these facts is fully detailed in By Grace No. 5 ‘A purpose of Jacob’s Life Span’. Here are the leading facts:

When Jacob entered Egypt with all his seed, he was 130 years old
Joseph received Jacob and his seed as saviour during Jacob’s last 17years.
When Jacob died he was 147 years old.
Joseph is a type of Christ as shown by:
both were especial objects of a father's love.
both were hated by their brethren.
the superior claims of both were rejected by their brethren.
the brethren of both conspired against them to slay them.
Joseph was, in intent and figure, slain by his brethren, as was Christ.
each became a blessing among the Gentiles.
as Joseph reconciled his brethren to himself, and afterwards exalted them, so will it be with Christ and His Jewish brethren.

The last years of Jacob were 17 out of a life of 147. The time between Jacob’s birth and Israel’s fulfilled Life is 4500years, according to the Scriptural record. [see By Grace Nos: 9 and 10] The Last Days of that period are the equivalent of the 17years of Jacob’s life, i.e. 520 years which commence in 4bc at the birth of The Christ, that occasion being the equivalent of Jacob and his seed entering Egypt and coming under the protection of Joseph, the type of The Christ.
The Jubilee and the Shemittah.

A very important aspect of this last study was my introduction to the Jubilee[49 years] period and the Shemittah period [7 years]. See Leviticus chapter 25. All the references to the ages of the pre and post flood Patriarchs were totalled together with the 49year spans of Jubilee years beginning 10 years after the 12 tribes of Israel entered The Land. See By Grace No.10. Summation of years.

A 49 year span may not be related directly to the Jubilees. Three such periods, 3 x 49, make up Jacob’s life in the flesh. The end of the first period of 49 years marked his blessing by his father Isaac. The end of the second period at 98 years, a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day, blessing him and renaming him Israel. Other examples prove this to be the case. God therefore has a fundamental timing period of 49 years apart from that of the fixed Jubilee periods. The introduction to the fundamental gematria of 49 and 7 is acknowledged as the prime basis upon which all of God's arrangements are made. The timing of The Last Days period is defined in this study being an example of the use of these gematria. Another example follows:

The date of the Second Temple destruction.

See diagram below. The destruction of Herod's Temple in 69-70ad, accepted by Christ as His Father's House, was not completed. The Messiah stated 'not one stone will be left upon another that shall not be thrown down'. However, the foundation stones, the present 'wailing wall', remain to be destroyed at the later time of 2022ad. See By Grace Nos: 9 & 10.

The addition of these two periods, 2499 years, has the remarkable factors of: 49 x 3 x 17. 49 indicates the Jubilee spans. 3 indicates the completeness of the matter, which therefore indicates the probable construction of the Ezekiel Temple following the destruction of the ‘wailing wall’ and whatever antichristian edifice might also occupy the site in 2022ad. 17 is the addition of 10 and 7...The union of Spiritual Perfection with Ordinal Perfection. In other words: The Victorious Perfection of Spiritual Order.