By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

The 70 Weeks of Daniel and the Last Days


Timing the Second Advent 1. Cannot be established ?
Timing the Second Advent 2. Understanding enlightened.
Timing the Second Advent 3. Self imposed limitations.
Events which must occur before the Second Advent
Questions and answers seeking to qualify these events
Answers based upon The God Breathed Word:
Gabriel’s Seventy Weeks of Years
Dating the Second Advent.
The Last/Latter Days,
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the Multi-metal image


A title of our God, even the Lord Jesus Christ, is The Alpha and The Omega. It indicates a span of knowledge, understanding and planning with a perfect accuracy unknown to mortal man, of His universal and eonian purposes.

God’s revelation of these purposes is freely given to mankind in His Word, i.e. the Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek Scriptures, the languages He chose to ‘compel’ these writings of the prophets. We know them in our own languages as the Books of The Bible.

In recent years it has become clear that The Book of Enoch should now be included with these inspired writings, as it was in the time of the early church. The original version would have been written in Hebrew, but to-day’s incomplete English translation has been made from fragments of other languages, mainly Koinee Greek, the language used by God to write the New Testament. Many New and Old Testament Scriptures are quoted from this book, but it is The Apocalypse of Weeks, the outline of God’s relationship with the Children of Righteousness, which so clearly directs the Scripture Student in his work.
God has given us an historical record of future events, speaking of those things that will be as though they are. These are sometimes difficult to interpret, awaiting the clarity of future circumstances. Many others however are clear, but depend upon aspects of The Word which are disregarded because of their supposedly occult nature.

Where it is needful, God has recorded His planned opposition to The Deceiver who acts by counterfeiting God’s revelation. Here are a few examples:

Babylon the Great counterfeits The New Jerusalem
The Evil One counterfeits God Himself as the God of this present World Order
The work of The Holy Spirit is counterfeited by that of demons or unclean spirits
The Tribe of Esau counterfeits that of Jacob.
Satan’s angels counterfeit those of The Light
Religion counterfeits Christianity
The tares counterfeit the wheat.


TIMING OF THE SECOND ADVENT 1. Cannot be established ?

Many Christians to-day believe that the year of the Lord Jesus Christ’s second advent cannot be known. Their understanding is based upon the following Scripture statements:

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Mat 24:34
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. MAT 24:42
Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. MAT 25:11
The disciples asked Jesus:
Lord, will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? To which He replied: ‘It is not for you to know the times nor the seasons, which The Father hath put in His own power’.Acts 1:6-7

All these statements are addressed to the disciples or members of the Kingdom ekklesias, all of whom had their Hope based upon the time when The Lord Jesus Christ would reign personally, establishing His authority directly over His Kingdom in Israel. As the disciples asked: Lord, will you at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? It is only much later when Paul writes to the Thessalonian church that he is able to tell them:

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. You are all the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night nor of the darkness . TH1 4:17



In 69ad, it was revealed to our apostle Paul, that God had introduced a new Administration, that of His Grace [Ephesians 3:2]. His relationship with His Sanctified ones had changed. Paul therefore tells us that all those Christians who recognise this present Administration are subject to a different calling. He says that he:

Ceased not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers that The God of Our lord Jesus Christ The Father of glory may give unto you

the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him;
the eyes of your understanding being enlightened;
That you may know what is the hope of His calling
And what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe,

according to the working of His mighty power which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand amongst the heavenlies.

Because most Christians fail to recognise the principles of this present Godly Administration, they also fail to avail themselves of these most wonderful and intimate promises by God’s Grace,. Through prayer and diligent searching we are able to establish with precision the times and events which were not revealed to the previous Administration..

There are now therefore no restraints upon our understanding. The timing of God’s activity is open to us. That of the Second Advent can be known.

TIMING OF THE SECOND ADVENT 3. Self imposed limitations

Most Christians who give serious attention to God’s Word but who are limited by erroneously conforming to a doctrine based upon the previous Kingdom Administration, have little understanding of those prophesies which govern the years before the Second Advent of The Lord Jesus Christ:

They fail to recognise or interpret the detailed statements given by God in these Scriptures. The main reason being that they rely upon their English translations which are coloured by the doctrine of the translators. They do not refer to the meaning of the original Hebrew and Koinee Greek which are the Words breathed by God. The result is that they develop many different interpretations to the following fundamental questions underlying the answer to the date of the Second Advent:

What period governs the presence of Daniel’s multi-metal image ?
Is there a unity of purpose in the references to The Last Days ?
When do The Last Days begin and end ?
Of what days are the Last Days ?
Who gives the command to restore and build Jerusalem ?
Who is the ‘Messiah’, the prince ?
Why does the apostle John’s apocalypse concern The Day of The Lord ?
Under what conditions and to whom are the seven letters addressed ?


The importance of this subject is emphasised by many Evangelists who insist that the Second Advent could occur at any time, when it is clear that the following conditions must first apply:

It ends The Last Days and the Seventy Weeks of Daniel’s prophecy.
A new Temple must have been built at least seven years before.
The ‘Whole House of Israel’ shall be united having its own king.
The world government must be divided between individuals of iron and men of miry clay.


The following questions seek to define the order of events leading to the Second Advent: Each question is followed by answers which have been given by Christians attempting to understand that order.

70 weeks of Daniel’s prophecy

How long are these 70weeks ?
70 x 7 = 490 years. / Weeks of years. /490 years

When do they end ?
in 29ad at Christ’s crucifixion / Tribulation/ Start of Millennium.

When did [or do] they begin ?
They began in 445bc[Neh 2:1-8] / The Captivity. / The command to rebuild the temple [Cyrus 539bc]. The command to rebuild the city [Nehemiah 445bc]

Who brings them to an end ?
Antichrist...between 69th and 70th week. / Armageddon and The Lord’s return

What is their purpose ?
Six points given in Dan 9:24. / To revere God. / To build our faith, hope and trust. / Six goals [Daniel 9:24].

Why are the 7 weeks separated from the 62 ?
62 weeks = 396bc to 32ad / The covenant renewal celebration at Jerusalem. / Something to do with the decree to build the city. / ‘It is possible to be so preoccupied with numbers as to miss the essential truth which those numbers declare’.

Who is The Messiah [an anointed one], The Prince ?
Jesus Christ. / The Lord. / The Persian, Cyrus [Isaiah 45:1] / An anointed one.

When does the command to restore and build Jerusalem go forth?
In 396bc [start of the 62 weeks] / After the decree to build the Temple. / In 539bc[Ezra 1:1-4]

Who gives the command ?
King Artaxerxes / Cyrus. / Cyrus

To whom does all this action apply ?
The Jews. / Jews and Gentiles. / The Jews.

The Last/Latter Days

When did [or will] they begin ?
First Coming of Christ. Acts 2:17 Heb 1:2. / From the Church age. / At the culmination of the days.[known also as The Day of The Lord]

When will they end ?
Second Coming of Christ [rapture]. / Return of The Lord to earth. / In judgement and victory and peace, the consummation and enjoyment of God’s rule.

Are The Last Days present to-day ?
Yes. / Yes. / No.

Of what days are the Last Days
The Messianic Era. / Gentile dominion. / The times of The Messiah.

What does the term: The Last Days mean ?
The Messianic Era. / That time is not for ever. / The end of the days.

Are The Last Days of the O.T. the same as those of The N.T ?
Some O.T. is prophetic literature directed to the Jews. / Some O.T. is in the sense of subsequent days. / Probably not in every usage. / No, those of the Old Covenant differ from those of the New Covenant.

Are The Last Days the same as The Latter Days ?
The Latter Days in the O.T. used for the distant future, after the ascension of the church. / Yes. / Probably not.

Why did the apostle John say: ‘It is the last hour’ ?
John thought that they were at the end of The last days. / Human history proceeds in periods, thus John was referring to the ‘last hour’ of a period.

The Last or Latter Days are those days of the Tribe of Israel which mathematically equate to those of Jacob/Israel’s life. Jacob entered Egypt when he was 130 years old to meet his long lost son Joseph. The latter was in this case a Type of Christ. The ‘X’ years in the diagram above have a duration of 520 years beginning at the advent of Christ in 4bc. Allowing for the years of this hidden Administration of God’s Grace, The Last Days will end in 2477ad.

Nebuchadrezzar’s dream of the multi-metal image.

When do these events occur ?
The time of Daniel to the present day. / With Nebuchadrezzar.

When did [or will] the head of gold reign ?
The Babylonian Empire. / With Nebuchadrezzar.

When do these events end ?
The Second coming of Christ. / With The Lord, at the Millenium.

Whom to they concern ?
World history. / Gentiles and Jews.

Whose are the various kingdoms relating to the various metals ?
Babylon/Persian/Greece/ Rome/10 Kings of Roman Empire. Repeat.

Where is: ‘Wheresoever the children of men dwell’ ?
Power over all humans. / God given Nebuchadrezzar a kingdom of power. / Earth.


At one time, I myself accepted the vague understanding formed from the above answers to these queries. I therefore understand the limitations of the basis upon which these answers are given. The Kingdom of God in Israel is not His purpose to-day. This fact deflects the Bible student from the Truth that God is not dealing with the nation of ‘Jews’ to-day, despite all the propaganda of various Christian groups and the distorted effort of the media to suggest otherwise. There is not one single person in the world who is outside the wish of God that they shall not perish but have everlasting life. His Son, Jesus Christ died that this should be so, yet the world ignores this offer of His righteousness, many erroneously seeking by their own good works to find God’s justification.

Having received and trusted in the atoning sacrifice of The Christ, many Christians are then content to ignore the volume of God’s expression, setting their understanding upon that which Church leaders teach, ignoring the only mediator lawfully given for this Administration of His Grace….The Living Lord Jesus Christ. They seek the truth from anywhere other than by individual effort, patient supplication and trust in Him.
Let us now look at the radical answers to these questions based only upon the revelation given in The God Breathed Word Himself.


1. When and by whom do these weeks begin and end?

Gabriel revealed six conditions which were to be determined upon Daniel’s people and upon his holy city during this period of Seventy Weeks, i.e. 490 years:

To finish [restrain] transgression
To put an end to sin
To atone for wickedness,
To bring in everlasting righteousness
To seal up vision and prophesy
To anoint the most holy.

This will be the result of God’s work upon the House of Judah and upon Jerusalem at the end of the 490 years. This is the necessary preparation for His intervention at the Second Advent, when He will be personally present to rule Israel.

This work of God is based upon the commission of The Lord Jesus Christ which He announced at the beginning of His ministry [Luke 4:16-21]. It took place in the synagogue of His home town Nazareth, on the occasion of Israel’s 30th Jubilee in 27ad when Jesus Christ was 30 years old.

The Spirit of The Lord is upon me
Because He has anointed me
To preach good news to the poor
He has commissioned me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
And recovery of sight for the blind
To release the oppressed
To proclaim the year of The lord’s favour.

This fundamental work of The Christ enables God to fulfil the work ‘determined upon Daniel’s people and his holy city’. It defines the date upon which the work of the 490 years began…….27ad

2. When does the command concerning Jerusalem go forth ?

Know therefore and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem to Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and weeks sixty and two. Again it shall; be built with plaza and ditch even in affliction of the times. [RED words not in Hebrew Dan 9:25]

The Hebrew of Gabriel’s statement made to Daniel has been studied by students of God’s Word with a variety of results, but most interpretations are unaware of the relationship between the six purposes of The Messiah’s commission, established in 27ad and Gabriel’s statement in verse 24 detailing the six purpose of this prophecy. An analysis of the meaning of the Hebrew Words in verse 25[KJV], is detailed below::

1. ‘Know and understand’ ‘therefore’ has been added

2. The word ‘from’ must be understood as movement from one place to another, NOT from one time to another. From whence it goes forth.

3. The phrase: ‘The going forth’ means ‘out of’. Thus the complete phrase: ‘from the going forth’ should read: out of the source.

4. ’the commandment’ is the Hebrew for ‘The Word’ used of God’s expression.

5. The phrase: ‘to restore and to build Jerusalem’ is the literal meaning of the Hebrew

6. ’unto’ The Hebrew has a common alternative translation: ‘even’.

7. The title: ’The Messiah’ is presumptive, . This does not diminish the basic meaning of the Hebrew which is ‘anointed one’. Thus ‘even the anointed one’

8. ’Prince’. This Hebrew word for ’Prince’ is never applied to The Messiah. The common use of other Hebrew words for ’Prince’ in other statements is not the same word.

9. ‘shall be’ is an assumption additional to the Hebrew, added by the translators. It is related to their previous error of assuming that the word ‘from’, referred to in (1) above, has a time element.

10. ‘seven weeks’ The literal Hebrew is: ‘seven weeks of years’, thus 49 years. . This ends the first part of the sentence..

11. The second part of the sentence begins with the usual Hebrew conjunction: ‘and’ .The gist of the Hebrew can be received as the KJV there being no important differences.

With the above eleven points in mind the literal meaning of the sentence in verse 25 can now be reconstructed as follows:

Know and understand out of the source The Word to restore and to build Jerusalem even the anointed one a Prince forty-nine years.

And four-hundred and thirty four years a second time it will be erected to become wide open spaces decided in distress an opportune time.

The Hebrew phrase: ‘out of the source’, implies a spoken command which is given the authority of God by the following ‘The Word’ . Later in the sentence ‘the source’ is given as: ‘even an anointed one, a Prince’. The purpose of The Word is: ‘to restore and to build Jerusalem

It will be noted that the KJV translation of the Hebrew as ‘unto’ again introduces an erroneous time element. The correct translation using the word ‘even’ relates ‘the source’ with ‘the anointed one’.

From the study of the New Testament, particularly the Acts Period, it is clear that the Kingdom ministry of the Messiah and the apostles was incomplete, lasting only 35 years, having been cut short by God’s announcement recorded in Acts 28:25-27. because of the intransigence of the Jews in their refusal to accept wholeheartedly their proclaimed Kingdom. Various comments in the later N.T. epistles indicate that major events were expected but not fulfilled. This therefore is the 49 year period leading up to the The Word being given by ’an anointed one’ to restore and to build Jerusalem.

Even as the translators of the KJV added ‘sensible’ words to complete the sense of this sentence, their follows a free translation of the literal meaning

Know and understand (that) out of the source The Word to restore and to build Jerusalem (by) even the anointed one, a Prince (after) forty-nine years. And (then) four-hundred and thirty four years a second time it will be erected to become wide open spaces, decided in distress (at) an opportune time.

It should be understood that non of the six points stated by Gabriel as those ‘to be determined upon Daniel’s people and his holy city could be implemented without the work of The Messiah during His first advent. The Messiah’s work did not end at His ascension. It continued with His disciples as Mark tells us: ’The Lord working with them.’ [16:20] This is the purpose of the first 49 years of the 70 weeks of years. This work lays a preparatory ground for the introduction of the re-enlightenment of the resurrected twelve tribes of Israel into their land after the Word from the source, the anointed one.
Who is the source of the Word to restore and to build Jerusalem?

Having established when the Word goes forth, at the completion of the first 49 years, we need now to recognise the person from whom that Word is given. Most translators have taken the liberty of interpreting the title ’the anointed one’ as The Messiah. Because of this assumption attempts at interpreting these passages have resulted in confusion.

a Some of the evidence points to one person fulfilling this authority, who was both anointed and a ’Prince’. One who was and is to come, who will rule God’s people, Israel. The Chaldee word for ‘prince’ in the following passages is identical with that used by Gabirel and reported by Daniel. It is never used of The Messiah Himself.

Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed [Jyv] David in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. 1Sam 16:13

And Samuel said to Saul…….The LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart, and the LORD hath commanded him to be prince [dygn] over his people, because thou hast not kept that which the LORD commanded thee. 1Sam 13:14.
Then came all the tribes of Israel to David unto Hebron, and spake, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh. Also in time past, when Saul was king over us, you were he that led out and brought in Israel: and the LORD said to thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be a prince [dygn] over Israel. So all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and king David made a league with them in Hebron before the LORD: and they anointed [Jyv] David king over Israel. 2.Sam 5:1-3

I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a prince [dygn] and commander to the people. Isaiah 55:3-4

David wast he that leddest out and broughtest in Israel: and the LORD thy God said unto thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be prince [dygn] over my people Israel. 1chron 11:2

But they shall serve the LORD their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them. Jer 30:9

Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in The Last Days. Hos 3:5

b. The prophet Isaiah tells us: Thus saith The Lord…..of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the Temple, The foundation shall be laid. Thus saith The Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus…...I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight…..for Jacob my servants sake and Israel my elect, I have even called thee by thy name; I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. [Isaiah 44:28]

At the time of Nehemiah the edict of Cyrus authorises the building of The House of God, but the 70 week prophecy of Daniel concerning the future statement or word which opens the remaining sixty-two weeks relates to Jerusalem only.

The Truth concerning this future event seems to point to both King David and Cyrus having the joint responsibility, one to Jerusalem, King David; the other, Cyrus, to both Jerusalem and The House of God.


The 70 weeks of years began when The Messiah announced His commission in the Nazareth synagogue in 27ad, the 30th Jubilee. Therefore they would have ended seventy weeks [490 years] later at The Messiah’s Second Advent, in the year 517ad.

We recognise that this dramatic event, which the whole of mankind would have experienced, did not occur at that time. There has been a delay. God assessed Israel to be unready to receive the full benefits of His Kingdom, passing the source of Salvation to the nations in 62ad [Acts 28:28], 14 years before the 49 years work of The Messiah would have been completed in 76ad. The apostle Paul quoted Isaiah:

Hearing ye shall not hear, and seeing ye shall not understand; and seeing ye shall not perceive: for the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Acts 28:26

This condition will not be reversed until:

Say to them that are of a fearful heart , Be strong fear not: behold your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Isaiah 35:4

This condition imposed upon the Jews has not yet been rescinded. It is a period of probation, trial and chastisement represented by the number 40. It is also well known that God measures long periods of time in elements of 49 years. Forty elements of 49 is 1960 years. Since this condition began in 62ad, it will therefore end in 2022ad

However The Messiah’s work, which began in 27ad to last 49 years, was postponed in 62ad after only 35 years, 14 years remaining. It will therefore end in 2036ad at the 71st Jubilee. At this point the disciples question will receive a positive answer:

Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdom to Israel ?

The Kingdom of Heaven will have been established with the resurrected David as King, together with its prophesied benefits for the united twelve tribes of Israel and all mankind.


Understanding the phrase The Last Days is based upon five factors:

When Peter referred to the prophecy of Joel at the time of Pentecost in 30ad, he used the principle of Divine Interchange between the Hebrew Scriptures and what was to become the Koinee Greek Scriptures. The single period of all The Last Days references is common to both.
Therefore there is one Hebrew/Chaldee phrase symyh tyrhaB having exactly the same meaning as the one Koinee Greek phrase:esatahmera.
’Latter’ and ‘last’ are English variations in the various translations.
Both phrases are defined by the definite article, thereby grammatically indicating one period only.
Whenever the phrase is used, it is never questioned. The listener or reader is expected to know to what it refers. For this reason there must be a positive definition in The Word Himself

Jacob is the first to use the phrase when telling his sons what will befall them in The Last Days. [Genesis 49:1]. Because they do not question its meaning we must assume that earlier an explanation is given. We must ask ourselves: In this context what is the meaning of ‘days’?. The concordance tells us that Jacob earlier uses the word several times when talking to Pharaoh but immediately prior to his statement to his sons we find:

And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years: and the days of Jacob were the years of his life, seven years and a hundred and forty years.

This is the literal translation, the KJV loses the meaning. Here in this literal translation is the phrase: ‘The Days of Jacob’. The Scripture seems to be indicating a parallel between the years of Jacob’s life and the Days of Jacob’s life. In the Scripture the word ‘days’ is used to indicate long periods of time. There are many, many examples. [Please see By Grace No. 61. Understanding Days]

Using the name ‘Jacob’ suggests that the period is related to his time in the flesh. If so, then the events in the life of Jacob reflect events in the life of the Israelites. Jacob lived for 147 years and we know from a study of all The Last Days references that the Second Advent is the limiting event of the days of the life of The whole House of Israel. The life of both begin at the birth of Jacob.

When Jacob described what would be the condition of his sons in The Last Days, they understood him to be describing the equivalent time of the last days of his own life. The full details and the implications of this relationship can be read in leaflet By Grace No.5, where it will be seen that the period of The Last Days covers a span of 520 years from the First to the Second Advent

Because God imposed Spiritual blindness upon the Jewsfor last for 1960 years, the time from the first to the Second Advent is 2480 years. The following diagram shows the relationship between the lives of Jacob/Israel, The Last Days and the 70 Weeks.

The ratio of the years of Jacob’s life is identical to the ratio of the years occupied by the tribes of Israel’s life from the birth of Jacob to the Second Advent, 4500 years
147 : 4500 as 17 : 520


This prophecy is found in Daniel 2:28-45. It is to be fulfilled in The Last Days. Many resurrections will occur in that period including that of Nebuchadrezzar.There are four reasons why these events lie in the future:

1. Nebuchadrezzar is to be ruler wheresover the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the flyers of the heaven hath he given into his hand and has made him ruler over them all. This is a universal kingdom with extraordinary powers, not a local affair in Mesopotamia as Nebuchadrezzar was at that time..

2. The third kingdom of brass shall rule over all the earth. There never has been, or is, such a kingdom. It is a future event.

3. When destroyed by the stone cut out without hands, all five kingdoms will have existed together. There is no break in their continuity.

4. Although The Last Days were present at the time of The Messiah and His apostles, the remaining part of that 520 year period lies in the future when the events described to Nebuchadrezzar by Daniel will be fulfilled.

A careful study of the various elements of the prophecies of The Last Days shows that initially this Godly kingdom ruled by Nebuchadrezzar will prosper. The ones that follow however deteriorate, as the fall in quality of the metals indicates and many of the prophecies concerning Israel during that time, tell us.


From these details found only in The God Breathed Word Himself, we can now summarise, and possibly confirm the answers to the questions above:

70 weeks of Daniel’s prophecy

What duration of time do they occupy ?
7 x 70 weeks of years = 490 years

When are they completed ?
At the Second Advent in 2477ad.

When did [or do] they begin ?
They began in 27ad when The Messiah announced His commission.They were postponed in 62ad when The House of Judah was Spiritually blinded. They will recommence in 2022ad after the 1960 years of this present Administration.

Who brings them to an end ?
The Messiah at His Second Advent in 2477ad.

What is their purpose ?
To determine upon Daniel’s people the six points given in Dan 9:24..

Why are the 7 weeks separated from the 62 ?
The first 7 weeks, or 49 years are the work of Messiah and His apostles fulfilling the six points announced by The Messiah at the time of His commissioning..

Who is ‘an anointed one’ [The Messiah], Prince ?
The resurrected King David.. If Cyrus is the anointed one for this action, then he will be given the title ‘Prince’ in relation to David as King.

When does the command to restore and build Jerusalem go forth?
After the 49 years, at the beginning of the 62 weeks or 434 years

Who gives the command ?
The resurrected King David

To whom does all this action apply ?
The resurrected twelve tribes of Israel.

The Last/Latter Days

When did [or will] they begin ?
At the First Advent of The Messiah in 4bc.

When will they end ?
At the Second Advent of The Messiah in 2477ad.

Are The Last Days present to-day ?

Of what days are the Last Days ?
They are the equivalent of the 17 Last Years of Jacob’s life..

What does the term: The Last Days mean ?
They are the outcome or conclusion of the years of the life of the Twelve Tribes of Israel prior to the establishment of the Millennium Kingdom.

Are The Last Days of the O.T. the same as those of The N.T ?
By Divine Interchange between the Koinee Greek of the N.T. and the Hebrew/Chaldee of the O.T….Most certainly….yes.

Are The Last Days the same as The Latter Days ?
The God breathed Hebrew/Chaldee words are the same..

Why did the apostle John say: ‘It is the last hour’ ?
John wrote his letter prior to the preparations for implementing The Kingdom in Israel. This would have begun following 62ad with resurrections and the unifying of the twelve tribes. [Isaiah 35:4-5] but this preparation was postponed because the Jews were not prepared to fully receive their Saviour. [Acts 28:26]

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the multi-metal image.

When do these events occur ?
During the 62 + 1 weeks of years of Daniel’s prophecy. From 2036ad to 2477ad., during the established pre-millennium kingdom of Israel, after God’s Spirit has been poured out upon all flesh

When did [or will] the head of gold reign ?
King Nebuchadrezzar from 2036ad until the kingdom of silver is established.

When do these events end ?
At the Second Advent of The Messiah.

Whom to they concern ?
All the nations of the world together with the exiles on other planets, ‘wheresoever the children of men dwell’.

Whose are the various kingdoms relating to the various metals ?
Each kingdom ruled by a resurrected king,. Not to be confused with the Adversary’s counterfeit kingdoms of Babylon, Assyria, Greece and Rome

Where is: ‘Wheresoever the children of men dwell’ ?
On earth and wherever else men may live, In the Earth, under the sea, in space and on the planets.



In a few years time, in 2022ad precisely, God will return Spiritual Sight and Understanding to The house of Judah. No longer will they ignore their True God nor lack the ability to determine His imminent act of establishing their kingdom. Above all, they will recognise Him, Saviour and Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ. When this happens, this Administration of God’s Grace will end: When Christ who is our Life shall be manifest, then shall ye also be manifest with Him in Glory. [Col 3:4]