By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit


Right at the beginning God tells us that on earth it consists of an Evening and a Morning. Getting dark and getting light. He does not tell us how long it lasts or whether He is referring to Evening and Morning in a Spiritual sense or a physical sense. Neither does he tell us the source of light. It is certainly not ‘The Ruler of The Day’, that was not made until the fourth day. We must therefore assume that the original Light is God Himself, after all He does say:.’I am The Light of The World.’ [Rev.21:23].

As to the first mention of ‘day’ what can we conclude? Simply that it has an end and a beginning and because the light has a source, the earth being a sphere introduces us to one hemisphere having the Morning and the other hemisphere having the Evening. There are seven of them in a cycle.

As to the Spiritual meaning, light in the day is enlightenment and darkness in the night is ignorance. The place of darkness is under God’s feet. Mankind is born in darkness and must receive the light by responding to its witness. Light is opposed by, as we say, the Prince of Darkness, Satan himself. Evil acts are performed in darkness, hoping to hide them from The Light. The Lord of the morning is the source of our enlightenment..

The Seven Days of Creation Many have speculated concerning their length, some preferring to literalise and accept 24hours. However we have a record which suggests their true length. The early patriarchs from Adam to Noah, kept records of man’s relationship with God and the activities of Satan’s opposition. A summary of this is recorded by Moses, but the full record, inspired by God, recognised by all the prophets and the early church, having fallen into disuse and excluded from our present Bible, is now again available but still unrecognised by the great majority of Christians. Jude, the brother of James the apostle refers to it when he writes: ‘And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam prophesied….’

This remarkable record of Enoch contains reference to a dream sequence entitled ‘The Apocalypse of Weeks’. It summarises God’s activities from the time of Adam to The Day of God in ten weeks, where each week is 700years. Thus, at that time, a week being recognised as 700years, a day would be 100years. Because such timing fits exactly into the pattern of God’s activities [see By Grace No.6 to 13], in this case, we can say that God would have taken 100years for each day of His activities of Forming and Creating during His record in Genesis chapter one. That is not difficult to accept when one considers that the ages of the pre-flood patriarchs lasted for nearly 1000years.

What of God’s statement: ‘One day is with The Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day’. This is not a statement which can be used to interpret the length of a day, or even that of 1000years, although many have tried. Its meaning is solved by Moses: ‘For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night’. God does not regard time in the way that man measures it.

What are the other DAYS defined by God ?

Our 24hour DAY is defined when God says: ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of Heaven…….for days and years’. On such a day it was said: ‘unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Saviour who is Christ The Lord’. An ordinary day not recognised by the world at that time. The most familiar and most common meaning of the word DAY.

What of The Day of The Lord ? An often used phrase in both testaments telling us about a devastating period of great change resulting in God’s Son taking personal charge of worldly affairs. Certainly not a day of 24 hours but a sequence of those days known to God.. This great and terrible DAY immediately follows two other sequence of days:
[1] The Last Days.

These LAST DAYS are described and detailed in the leaflets By Grace No.5 and 39. They were understood by Jacob’s sons to refer to the equivalent of the last days of his life, the last 17 of his 147years [Genesis 47:28]. The days that he spent in Egypt beginning at the time of the famine, when his son Joseph ruled under Pharaoh.

This life of Jacob[147 years] is the equivalent of the life of the sons of Israel [4500years] from Jacob’s birth until the Personal Presence of our God.. Therefore the equivalent of Jacob’s last 17years is 520years [17 divided by 147 multiplied by 4500] These years are The Last Days which began at the first Personal Presence of The Lord Jesus Christ and will end at His Second.

If you have not read the two relevant leaflets, you will be puzzled by the shortness of this period between the two Advents. Between 62ad, when the Jews were Spiritually blinded [Acts 28:27], and 2022ad, when their Spiritual sense will be restored [Isaiah 35:4-5], During this time God introduced this present Administration of His Grace [see Eph. ch.3] which will last 1960years.

Thus it can be recognised that each of the 17 Last Days of Jacob’s life is equivalent to 30.6years[520 divided by 17] in the life of Israel. This fact leads us to recognise the meaning of Hosea’s prophecy when he refers to The Last Days::

After two days will He revive us; In the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live in His sight.

The First Day of these LAST DAYS, being 30years in duration, begin at the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ in 4bc. The Second Day begins when He quotes Isaiah’s prophecy from the Scroll in His home town of Nazareth at 30yrs of age, giving details of His Godly commission which begins the three years of His ministry. After His crucifixion, He continued to work with His apostles [Mark 16:20]. The Second Day ended in 58ad. The work continued into The Third Day but was postponed in 62ad and will recommence, after the 1960years of this present Administration of God’s Grace, in 2022ad when the Jews again receive their Spiritual Sight and Understanding [Isaiah 35:5]. The Third Day ends in 2048ad. See the following diagram. The last of the seventeen 30year LAST DAYS will end at the Second Advent in 2477ad.
[2] The Seventy Weeks.

Generally understood to be 490years in duration. Each day of the 70weeks being one year. This prophecy relates directly to the House of Judah, the Jews. It began on the day of The Messiah’s commission in 27ad at the time of the 30th Jubilee. The first section of seven weeks, i.e. 49years, would have ended in 76ad at the 31st Jubilee but Judah was Spiritually blinded and without understanding from 62ad, this God imposed condition will last for 1960years until 2022ad, 14years before the 71st Jubilee in 2036ad when these first seven weeks will then be complete. [see By Grace 25 & 60]

The apostle Paul refers to The Evil Day when he writes to the Ephesian Christians, The last Day [one year] of the 6th week of the first seven weeks [49 years] of Daniel’s prophecy……the year 2029ad, ending the Transition from the Administration of God’s Grace. [See By Grace No:88]
For further understanding, please consider the information contained in the By Grace leaflets No.13 Evenings and Mornings,. And No.60 Understanding Imminent Events.