By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.
Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick
Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit
Reverent minds have long been attracted by the phenomena of Bible Numerics. In many cases the use and re-use of numbers in the Bible leaves the impression that a deeper significance is intended than that which first meets the eye.
Nothing can hide the perfection displayed in the design of The Word of God. Man has been false to his trust. He has not preserved it with the faithfulness which should ever characterise a steward. But because man has been unfaithful, we are not going to question the faithfulness of God! Because man has not properly cared for this precious gift of God, we are not going to question the perfection of that gift.
But this is what man has done and is doing; he is charging upon God the result of his own sin, neglect and folly.
God has given man this Bread of Life, and he is analysing it instead of eating it! God has given man His Word and he is criticising it instead of believing it. This is the ’wisdom’ of man ’up to date’. This is the highest flight of his wisdom——’Higher Criticism’! Truly ’the world by wisdom knew not God’. It never did nor never will. Human wisdom ever leads from God. It may seem very clever, very daring, very wise, for man to criticise The Word of God, but it is still true as it is written:
The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God
We do not need man’s wisdom. What we want is God’s Truth and if man’s science does not agree with God’s Book, then so much the worse for his science.
These are some of the words of Dr.E.W.Bullinger’s which introduce his book: NUMBER IN SCRIPTURE. It contains, by many examples, the meaning of numbers from one to 666.
The By Grace leaflets Nos. 66, 68 continue the series.
Complementing the interpretation of Mr.Bullinger’s Number in Scripture is an analysis of God’s use of Numbers by Dr. Stephen E.Jones entitled ‘The Biblical Meaning of Numbers from One to Forty’. Both of these works are worthy of very serious consideration when seeking to understand the actions of God recorded in His Word.
God has told us that His Word is of no private interpretation, meaning that when seeking to understand what He is saying we must not look for answers outside His word, such as those writings based upon secular ideas.
And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit 2Peter 1:19-21
Every letter and numerical reference is spoken by God, both in the Hebrew of the Old Testament and by Koinee Greek of the New. Every letter in both testaments has its numerical value and meaning. Each Hebrew or Greek word appears a specific number of times. Each word and statement has its numerical value. Each numerical value relates directly to the meaning of that word and statement. It is rightly said that the Word of God cannot be broken. It is evident that this is so because the foundation of God’s communication is based on the meaning of its numerical; value. One letter missing or out of place destroys the perfection of God’s communication.
Because God’s Word has this perfect construction it is therefore possible to correct minor errors by observing these rules. An example of this is laid out in Mr. Maurice Lloyd’s articles recorded in the leaflets:
No.5ML The Closure of Acts
No.7ML Text Displacement in Acts
The Expression of God says: Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my Words shall not pass away. [Luke 21:33] This inspired book which we call The Bible is an eternal expression, whose construction is highly complex needing the presence of God’s intelligence in understanding. Unregenerate men and women may criticise its contents but will not escape its exacting judgements.
Often a Christian, a regenerate man, is guilty of ignoring the leading of God’s intelligence when seeking to understand His expression. We are always too ready to impose upon His Word our own short-sighted and brief study. An outstanding example of this shortcoming is the confusion which exists over the interpretation of the phrase ’The Last Days’.God uses this expression nineteen times throughout the bible. This confusion is typified by the notes of Rev.C.I.Scofield D.D. who without reason divides them into two sections relating to ‘The Church’ and Israel, and includes other phrases where the word ‘days’ does not occur. Another Bible teacher has decided that the phrase cannot refer to one specific period of time, but is unable to define to what each reference relates, thus adding to the confusion.
In the light of, and by the use of, the exactness of Scripture numerics it has been possible to define the years in which these particular days begin and end. This has not been possible without the knowledge of the fact that this present Administration of God’s Grace was not revealed until the time of The Temple destruction in 69-70ad when the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the ‘Ephesians’ [see chapter 3]. The By Grace leaflet; No.5 A Purpose of Jacob’s Lifespan explains how The Last Days period is defined, its purpose, its duration, its beginning and its end.
The Numerical Value of the Greek and Hebrew letters.
At this point it would be wrong to ignore the work of Ivan Panin in his translation of the New Testament. This privately produced volume is noted by The Text is Established by Bible Numerics. and copyrighted in 1934. This book contains many examples of the correction of New Testament Bible passages by means of his knowledge of Bible Numerics. The Introduction is essential reading. It opens with the following paragraph:
This edition of the Greek New testament is a revision of its text by means of Bible Numerics., the name given by its present writer to the hitherto, in all literature, unparalleled numeric phenomena of the Bible discovered by him in 1890.
It is published by The Oxford University Press, from whom copies may be available The Amazon price is £91.00 for the complete N.T. Gospels can be bought for approx £25.00 each. Should any of my readers be deeply intrigued by a particular verse or verses, I will be happy to make copies from my copy.
IVAN PANIN died in 1942 at the age of 87. His obituary can be read at:
God’s Spiritual Significance of Numbers.
Examples are taken from:
1 There can be no doubt as to the significance of this primary number. In all languages it is the symbol of unity. As a cardinal number it denotes unity; as an ordinal it denotes primacy. Unity being indivisible, and not made up of other numbers, is therefore independent of all others, and is the source of all others. So with the Deity. The great First Cause is independent of all. All stands in need of Him, and he needs no assistance from any. “One” excludes all difference, for there is no second with which it can harmonise or conflict.
When it is written: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God is one Lord,” it does not deny the Doctrine of the Trinity, but it excludes absolutely another Lord: It excludes therefore, all idolatry.
Hence the First Commandment declares “Thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS” (Exo xx.3)
It asserts that there is in God a sufficiency which needs no other; and an independence which admits no other
I marks the beginning, we must begin with God. All our words and works must be characterised by the first words of the Bible: “In the beginning God”.
ALEPH is an Ox in Hebrew. It signifies strength or being first or ‘Number One’. The number ‘one’ signifies unity or that which is first. In the Hebrew language there are two words for the number ‘one’. Yacheed, an absolute unity, or an only one [Gen 22:2]; echad, a compound unity [Gen 2:24; Deut 6:4]
2 Affirms that there is a difference——-there is another. This difference may be for good or evil. A thing may differ from evil and be good; or it may differ from good and be evil. Hence the number Two takes a twofold colouring, according to the context. It is the first number by which we can divide another, and therefore in all its uses we may trace this fundamental idea of division or difference.
BETH is a house or household in Hebrew. God established the household with Adam and Eve. Also, it takes two points to make a line and establish direction, a progression of revelation from the lesser to the greater. Saul/David, Ishmael/Isaac, Jacob/Israel and in the N.T., Saul/Paul.
3 We come to the first geometrical figure. 3 lines necessary to form a plane figure. 3 is the symbol of the cube—-the simplest form of solid figure, length, breadth and height. Three therefore stands for that which is solid, real, substantial, complete and entire
GIMEL is a camel in Hebrew. It signifies to be lifted up. Pride is its negative side, being glorified or elevated to a position of authority is its positive side. Three is the number of divine fullness, completeness, or perfection
4 is emphatically the number of creation. It is the number of things which have a beginning, of things that are made, of material things, and matter itself. It is the number of material completeness, therefore the world number.
DALETH is a door in Hebrew. Psalm 4 is addressed to ‘the chief musician upon Nehiloth’ meaning ‘inheritances’. It has to do with inheriting the earth [Matthew 5:5]. Beginning with our own ‘earth’, our own ‘Canaan’ our promised land, the glorified body. Fulfilment of promise. The world and its condition is the training ground for our future.
5. is the number of grace. Of divine strength made perfect in weakness. Of divine favour, uninfluenced and invincible. The five smooth stones that David chose when facing Goliath.
HEY at the beginning of a Hebrew word means ‘the’ or ‘behold’. In the middle of a word it signifies ‘Inspiration’ or ‘revelation’. At the end of a word it signifies ‘what comes from’. The number 5 is found 318 times in the Scripture. This number is that of the armed servants in Abram’s house who rescued Lot. It is Grace that saves and rescues us and sets the captives free.
6 is the day upon which man was created. It is the number stamped on all that is connected with human labour. We see it stamped upon his measures which he uses in his labour, and on the time during which he labours, this from the beginning The divinity of man is the ultimate substitute for God…..666.
VAV is a nail or peg in Hebrew. It is also a conjunction [’and’] for it takes a nail to connect two things. Moses had to wait 6 days before he was allowed to go up to the mount to meet the Lord….For the faithful in Christ, The Lord’s presence at the second advent occurs during the sixth millennium. The works of the flesh list witchcraft as the sixth vice [Gal 5:19-21]. King Saul was a type of Pentecostal, being crowned on Pentecost, the day of wheat harvest [1Sam 12:17] thus he serves as a type of the leavened Church that often operates unknowingly by a spirit of witchcraft to-day.
7 The number of spiritual perfection. The number which occupies so large a place in the works, and especially in the Word of God as being inspired by The Holy Spirit. It has the meaning: to be full or satisfied. ‘Seven’ stamps with perfection and completeness that in connection with which it is used.
ZAYIN is a weapon in Hebrew. The perfect weapon is the Sword of The Spirit. Seven days completes a Sabbath cycle. The Mystery of God is finished when the seventh angel blows his trumpet [Rev 16:7]. Joshua and the Israelite army had to march around Jericho seven days before the city fell [Joshua 6:15]
8 denotes that which is superabundant or satiating. It is the number associated with resurrection and regeneration and the beginning of a new era or order. ‘Eight souls’ passed through the flood with Noah to the regenerated earth. Circumcision is performed on the eighth day, the foreshadowing of the true circumcision of the heart at the new creation.
CHET is a fence in Hebrew. It can signify an inner room, even the heart itself. Jesus was raised from the dead on the eighth day. The law of presentation was fulfilled with the firstborn on the eighth day [Exodus 22:29-30]
9 is a most remarkable number in many respects. It is held in great reverence by all who study the occult sciences. In mathematical science it possesses properties and powers which are found in no other number. It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and is significant of the conclusion of a matter. The number of finality or judgement. It is the number associated with The Holy Spirit.
TETH is a snake in Hebrew. It is the job of The Holy Spirit [the Comforter] to discern, judge and convict men of sin according to the evidence. The Comforter is a defence attorney to a believer, but a witness against the unbeliever. In John 16:7 we read that He is also a judge: It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, The Helper shall not come to you; but if I go I will send Him to you. And He when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness and judgement
10 signifies the perfection of divine order. . Nothing is wanting, the whole cycle is complete. Noah completed the antediluvian age in the tenth generation from Adam. The ten commandments are complete. The unrighteous who shall not enter the kingdom of God are enumerated in ten particulars [1Cor. 6:9-10] It is ordinal perfection.
YOD is a closed hand, meaning a deed or work. It became a symbol of ‘the works of the law’ [Rom 3:20]. Ten is the number of divine order being re-established one way or another through the judgement of the law.
11. Imperfection, disorder, incompleteness. The Dukes of Edom were eleven in number. The High priest Eli and his two sons Hophni and Phinehas, have a gematria of 462, the factors of which are: 11, 6, 7. significant of the disorder in Eli’s house.
YOD-ALEPH Two Hebrew letters, ‘hand’ and ‘strength’. These signify the hand [outworking] of ones strength. Man’s work apart from God are imperfect and out of order. It was an eleven day journey from Mount Horeb to Kadesh-Barnea where the report of the 12 spies was rejected by Israel not entering The Land on the twelfth day.
12 A perfect number signifying governmental perfection. Twelve patriarchs. Twelve sons of Jacob, therefore twelve apostles. Twelve governs the design of The New Jerusalem...twelve foundations, gates, and pearls,
YOD-BETH signifies the hand [outworking] of the household in harmony under divine authority. Matthew 4:10 is the twelfth time Jesus is mentioned: Then Jesus said to him, ‘Begone Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship The Lord your God, and serve Him only’.’
13 It occurs first in Genesis 14:4, Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they rebelled Hence every occurrence of the number 13 and likewise every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, revolution, or some kindred idea.
YOD-GIMEL These Hebrew letters signify the hand [outworking] of pride in rebellion and depravity.. Jesus lists thirteen sins which proceed out of the heart of carnal man [Mark 7:21-22]. The word ‘Dragon’ appears 13 times in the book of Revelation.
14 implies a double measure of the significance of seven. The number two with which it is combined [2 x 7] may, however, bring its own significance. Eg: Matthew chapter one where the genealogy of Jesus Christ is divided up and given in sets of 14 generations….two being the number associated with incarnation.
YOD-DALETH These signify the hand [outworking] of the door. It pictures a release or deliverance from the prison with the opening of a door. Israel was delivered from Egypt by the Passover Lamb that was killed on the 14th day of the first month. The ship carrying Paul to Rome was delivered from the storm on the 14th day.
15 being a multiple of five partakes of its significance, also of the number three. [3 x 5] Acts wrought by the energy of divine grace. The Ark was borne by the flood 15 cubits upwards. Bethany, where Lazarus was raised and from whence The Lord ascended, was 15 furlongs from Jerusalem
YOD-HEY These signify the hand [outworking] of the inspiration of The Holy Spirit, which gives us a new direction of life The 15th time Noah is mentioned in Gen 7:7 was when he entered the ark. The 15th time Abram is mentioned, he came into Egypt The 15time Jesus is mentioned in the book of Mark, chapter 3 verse:7, He withdrew to the sea.
16 YOD-VAV These two Hebrew letters signified the hand [outworking] of the nail, which joins the hearts of two people as one. Sixteen is the number of love It was because of the love of God that Jesus was nailed to the cross for the sin of the world. In Paul’s first letter to Corinth in chapter 13 verses 4 to 8 Paul lists sixteen characteristics of love. In the Tabernacle of Moses, there were sixteen sockets of silver which were essential for its stability. To-day we are God’s living Temple or Tabernacle. Paul alludes to this when he says:
So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love [the sockets], may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth[1] and length[2] and height[3] and depth[4] and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
17 is the seventh prime, hence it partakes of its significance. It is the combination of two perfect numbers, 7 and 10, the number of Spiritual perfection and the number of ordinal perfection. Thus it signifies The perfection of Spiritual order.The most prominent illustration of this is found in Romans 8:35 to 39. a series of seven followed by a series if ten: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall
Shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord
YOD-ZAYIN signifies the hand [outworking] of Spiritual weaponry, which gives us the victory. The seventeenth time Abraham is mentioned in connection with the final victory and purpose of his calling: ‘since Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him shall all the nations of the earth be blessed’.
18 YOD-CHET signifies the hand [outworking] of a fence [prison], which brings men into bondage or oppression. The 18th time Abram is mentioned in Gen 12:18, his wife was in bondage in the house of Pharaoh. The 18th time in Gen 18:19, Abraham is mentioned, the Lord speaks of Sodom and Gomorrah who were in bondage to sin. The 18th time Israel is mentioned is found in Genesis 46:8, at the beginning of their bondage in Egypt: Now these are the names of the sons of Israel, Jacob and his sons, who went to Egypt.
19 a combination of 10 and 9, denotes the perfection of Divine order connected with judgement. It is the gematria of Eve, Job, Esau and earth. It is a factor in the gematria of Cain.
YOD-TETH signifies the hand [outworking] of the serpent [wisdom]. This can be seen in a negative sense, for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. When viewed in a positive sense, we see Jesus Christ as the Serpent on the pole in the wilderness, picturing Jesus Christ on the Cross. The 19th time Noah is mentioned is when God judges the earth: In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life…….were all the fountains of the great Deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened.19th time Saul [Paul] was mentioned was at his judgement of Elymas the sorcerer in Acts 13:9-12
20 approaches 21 and would certainly have the meaning of expectancy with fulfilment. A waiting in hope of the determined outcome. Twenty years Jacob waited to get possession of his wives and property. [Gen 21:38, 41] Twenty years Solomon was waiting for the completion of the two houses [1Kings 9:10, 2Chron 8:1]
KAPH is a palm, an open hand signifying giving freely with the palm up, or covering sin with the palm down. Jacob waited for twenty years to be redeemed from bondage [Gen 21:38,41]. Resulting in redemption. The 20th time Abraham is mentioned is in Gen 18:23, and Abraham came near and said: ‘wilt thou indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?’. The answer is NO. God will redeem the righteous.