By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.
Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick
Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit
1. The interpretation and meaning of the number 40 by Dr. Steven E.Jones
2. The Spiritual significance of the numbers 42, 49, 51, 65, 70, 120, 153, 200, 390, 400, 430, 490, 666. according to Dr. Bullinger. 41 is added.
3. Confirming the examples of the gematria of Hebrew and Koinee Greek words and phrases
4. The determination and pattern of Prime Numbers discovered by Dr.Peter Plichta.
5. The calculation of Prime Numbers, the oldest problem in mathematics, has finally been solved With Prime Number Tables from 2 to 9109.
6. The importance of the numbers 40 and 49 in combination, with reference to the present condition of The House of Judah
This is the third and final part of the series which seeks to introduce and explain the way that the Godly system of numbers underlies all the inspired text of the Christian Scriptures, Hebrew, Chaldee and Greek Even amateur mathematicians know that the calculation of numbers cannot be broken by contrary argument. 2 plus 2 will always equal 4. Thus the foundation of God’s expression is sure and faithful whether it be the meaning of Hebrew, Chaldee or Greek.
40 mem mem has the meaning of water, flowing or coming from. 40 is therefore the number of trial or probation. When viewed as a time cycle, we find that Israel spent 40 years being tested and tried in the wilderness. Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness being tested of the Devil. This number 40 can be viewed negatively in terms of the full 40 days/years of trial, but it can also be viewed positively in that it is the END of the time of trial or testing. In the positive sense, then, forty [i.e. mem] speaks of Israel crossing the Jordan river [water] after 40 years in the wilderness. In that sense also Israel came from the wilderness and flowed into the Promised Land.
Dr. Bullinger points out that there are eight forty-day periods mentioned in the Bible:
1, Forty days Moses in the Mount [Exodus 24:18] to receive The Law.
2. Forty days Moses in the Mount after the Golden Calf incident [Deut.9:18-25]
3. Forty days of the spies in Canaan. [Num 13:26; 14:34]
4 Forty days of Elijah in Horeb.[1Kings 19:8]
5. Forty days of Nineveh's probation [Jonah 3:4]
6. Forty days Ezekiel lay on his right side for Judah. [Eze 4:5]
7. Forty days Jesus was tempted of the Devil [Matt.4:2]
8. Forty days from Jesus’s resurrection to His ascension. [Acts 1:2]
The fortieth time that Abram’s name is mentioned is in Genesis 15:11, where he made a covenant with God, cutting three animals in half, but leaving the turtledove and the pigeon. When the fowls came to consume the carcasses. “Abram drove them away.” Here we see the covenant theme associated with the example of 40. Abram’s driving away the fowls also speaks Spiritually of driving away “the evil one,” for Jesus identified the fowls as such in the parable of the sower [Matt.13:, 19]. And so we see that a primary purpose of a forty day or forty year testing period is to learn to drive away the evil one, that is, to overcome temptation.
The 40th time that Abraham’s name is mentioned is in Gen.21:9, where we see Hagar ‘mocking’ Isaac. The apostle Paul says in Galations 4:29 that son of the bondwoman persecuted Isaac, and he makes the point that this is a pattern of Old Covenant behaviour. Hagar represents the Old Covenant, Paul says [Gal 4:24], and her son the children [i.e., adherents] of Old Covenant religion..
This pattern is set forth not only in Hagar and Ishmael, but also in Israel under the Old Covenant, who desire to stone both Moses and Joshua at times. Likewise we see King Saul persecuting David, and later, Saul [Acts 8:1] persecuting the New Testament Church
It is with good reason then, that the 40th time Abraham’s name is mentioned has to do with Hagar and Ishmael’s defective spiritual condition. This s the same spiritual condition found during Israel’s forty year testing, as well as King Saul’s 40 year rule. It makes us wonder if perhaps the New Testament Saul was converted at the age of 40, or perhaps came to be renamed ‘Paul’ when he was forty.
[See also By Grace No: 85…….The Spiritual Significance of the Number Forty]
2. The Spiritual significance of the numbers 42, 49, 51, 65, 70, 120, 153, 200, 390, 400, 430, 490, 666. according to Dr. Bullinger [50, an error of interpretation, is corrected to 49]. 41 is added
41When King Rehoboam the son of King Solomon, began to reign, all the tribes of the whole of The Children of Israel were united He was 41years of age. He acted upon the bad advice of his peers and caused rebellion, division between the ten tribes of Israel and the two tribes of Judah.
The Great Eonian Judgement which God will execute upon the rebellious angels is in Enoch’s 10th week, the seventh part. It will last for 82 years [41 x 2] and follows immediately after death and Hades being cast into the lake of fire.
42 mem-beth 42 is a number connected with Antichrist. An important part of his career is to last for 42 months [Rev.11:2, 13:5], and thus this number is fixed upon him. Another number of Antichrist is 1260, and this is 30 x 42
Its factors are six and seven (6x7= 42), and this shows a connection between man and the Spirit of God, and between Christ and Antichrist:
Forty-two stages of Israel's wandering's conflicted with the will of God.
Forty-two young- men mocked the ascension of Elijah, 2 King's 2:23, 24.
Being- a multiple of seven, it might be supposed that it would be connected with spiritual perfection. But it is the product of six times seven. Six, therefore, being the number of Man, and of man's opposition to God, forty-two becomes significant of the working-out of man's opposition to God.
IN GEMATRIA it is a factor in the number of Nimrod's name, which is 294,
or 42 x 7. It will be often found as a factor in the Anti-Christian names. See under the number Thirteen.
It does not often appear as a separate number, but when it is thus seen as a Factor of another number, it always imparts its significance to it.
49 mem-teth 49 is the number of Jubilee or deliverance. It is the issue of 7x7 (7squared), and points to deliverance and rest following on as the result of the perfect consummation of time.
51 noon-aleph 51 is the number of Divine revelation,
for there are 24 books in the Old Testament,
and 27 books in the New Testament,
making- 51 in all.
This is, of course, reckoning- the Divine separation of the books, as exhibited in the MSS., which form our only authority, and not reckoning- according- to man's manipulation of them; for both Jewish and Gentile fancies and reasonings make quite a different and conflicting- number.
65 samech-hey 65 being- a multiple of thirteen (13 x 5 = 65), is specially associated with Ephraim (see Isaiah. 7:8), and marks the apostasy of that Tribe. This apostasy, which began in Judges ch.17, afterwards extended to the Ten-Tribe kingdom, which is frequently spoken of therefore under the name of " Ephraim."
"Within three-score and five years shall Ephraim be broken that it be not a people."
70 ayin 70 is another combination of two of the perfect numbers, seven ten. We have seen something- of the significance of their sum under the number seventeen; their product is no less significant.
As compared with the sum of two numbers, the product exhibits the significance of each in an intensified form. Hence 7 X 10 signifies perfect spiritual order carried out with all spiritual power and significance. Both spirit and order are greatly emphasised.
THE SEVENTY NATIONS which peopled the earth are set forth with a particularity which shows the importance of the fact (see Gen.10).
THE SEVENTY SOULS OF GENESIS ch.46 are marked not only by the perfection of spiritual truth, as seen by the multiple of 7, but by the perfection of Divine Order, as seen in the multiple of 10, seventy being 7 x 10.
We stop not to notice the number given in Acts 7:14, which is different because it refers to a different classification, viz., "all his kindred," which amounted to 75. In Gen.46:26, God is speaking of another class, viz., only those "which came out of his loins "; these were seventy in number.
This number is made up in a remarkable manner, distinguishing the descendants of Leah and her maid from Rachel and her maid,0 the latter being a more marked multiple of 7 These seventy built up the nation of Israel. See Gen. 46:27 ; Exod. 1:5 ; and Ruth 4:11.
Seventy elders furnished Israel's great Tribunal, Exod. 24:1; Num. 11:16, afterwards called the Sanhedrim. See below, under the next number (120).
Seventy disciples sent out by the Lord prefigure the mighty host which followed them (Luke 10: 1 and 17) in spirit and in power.
It is the number specially connected with JERUSALEM for the city kept its sabbaths seventy years, while Judah was in Babylon, Jer.35:11 . And seventy sevens were determined upon it to complete its transgression, and bring in everlasting righteousness for it, Dan. 9:24
120 kooph-kaph 120 is made up of three forties (3 X 40 = 120). Applied to time therefore it signifies a divinely appointed period of probation, Gen. vi. 3.
Applied to persons it points to a divinely appointed number during a period of waiting. Acts i. 15.
It is a factor also in the number of those who returned from Babylon, 42,360, being 120 X 353.
It is also a factor of the number of the men who went up out of Egypt, 600,000, being 120 X 5000.
It is a factor also of the 144,000 who will be sealed from the Twelve Tribes of Israel to go unscathed through the tribulation, 144,000, being 120 X 1200.
The unanimous voice of Jewish tradition agrees with the Talmud that "the Great Synagogue" (Neh. 10:1 to 10) consisted of 120 members. " It was called ' Great' because of the great work it effected in restoring the Divine law to its former greatness, and because of the great authority and reputation which it enjoyed." Its greatest work was in completing the Canon of the Old Testament. The Great Synagogue lasted about no years, from B.C. 410-300, or from the latter days of Nehemiah to the death of Simon the Just. It then passed into the Sanhedrim, when its whole constitution was changed.
153 kooph-noon-gimel 153 is a number which has taxed the ingenuity of some of the greatest of Bible students, and that from the earliest times. All have felt there must be something deeply significant and mysterious in this number, from the solemn way in which it is introduced in John 21:11
Simon Peter went up and drew the net to land full of great fishes, one hundred and fifty and three.
Other miracles are parables in their lessons, and Augustine has pointed out the comparison and contrast between the two miraculous draughts of fishes, one at the beginning and the other at the end of Christ's ministry (after His resurrection). He and other Commentators see in this number some connection with the saved, as being definite and particular down even to the last one, making up not a large round number, but a smaller and odd number, 153. They saw in this a proof of the fact that the number of the elect is fixed and pre-ordained.
Jerome sees there is some deeper meaning in the number, and says that there are 153 sorts of fish, i.e., all kinds of men enclosed in the Gospel net.
Other more surprising suggestions have been made, but they are all the outcome of fancy.
The utmost that can be said is that had it been the round number 150, there would have been an absence of all definiteness, but as it goes beyond and gives the three by which the 150 is exceeded, it does seem to convey the impression that we have here, if these fishes are a symbol of the saved, an illustration and confirmation of our Lord's words, recorded in the same Gospel, " of all that He (the Father) hath given Me I should lose nothing" (John vi. 39), and
those that Thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is lost" (John 17:12).
When we come to the way in which the significance of this number has been estimated, we find a variety of modes. Augustine and Gregory the Great both start with the fact that.17 is the sum of 10 and 7. But they deal with the 17 in different ways.
All, however, agree in the great and blessed fact that "Salvation is of the Lord," Divine alike in its source, its agency, and its results.
The same Divine character is stamped upon this miracle and its lessons by the number of disciples who were present when it was wrought. There were seven. And the seven is divided into 3 and 4 as usual—3 being named, and 4 unnamed. . The one lesson that remains is true, namely, that the whole number of the redeemed are saved by the power of the Triune God. We may condense all this by calling 153 simply,
The expression syhlah ynb^ (Beni Ha-Elohim), "Sons of God," occurs seven times ! Now the gematria of this expression is exactly 153. Thus:
b^ = 2
n^ = 50
y^ = 10
h^ = 5
a^ = 1
l^ = 30
h^ = 5
y^ = 10
S = 40
Total: I53
In Greek, the expression exhibits in another form the same phenomena, the gematria being 3213, or 3 x 7 X 153.
It is very remarkable, in connection with this, that in Job 2:1 we have Beni-ha Elohim with Satan among them. The gematria of this phrase is 1989, and the two factors of this number are 153 and 13 (13 X 153 = 1989).
The word sunklhronomoi (sunkleeronomoi), "joint-heirs " (Rom. 8:17), amounts to 1071, the factors of which are 153 and 7. (153 X 7 = 1071).
The expression sunklhronomoi de Cristou (sunkleeronomoi de Christou )oit), "joint heirs with Christ" (Rom. 8:17), amounts to 2751. Now the factors of 153, as we have seen, are 9 and 17, and the number 2751 is three times the nine hundred, plus seventeen, viz., 3 x (900 + 17) = 2751.
The expression ktisiV qeou (ktisis Theou), “the creation of God,” is 1224, or 8 X i53.
In the record of the miracle itself there are some remarkable phenomena:
The word for “fishes” icqueV (ichthues) , is by gematria, 1224, or 8 x 153.
The words for “the net” are to diktuon, and by gematria this also amounts to 1224, or 8 x 153, for it is unbroken and caries its precious freight from “the right side” of the ship safely to the shore, and “not one is lost”.
200 resh. Here we have tenfold times twenty. The significance of this number is suggested by John 6:7, where we read, “Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them”. And so we find this number stamping various things with insufficiency
Achan’s 200 shekels were not sufficient to save him from the consequences of his sin [Joshua 7:21]. This shows us the insufficiency of money [Psalm 49:7-9].
Absolom’s 200 shekels weight of hair were not sufficient to save him, but rather caused his destruction [2Samuel 14:26; 18:9]. This shows us the insufficiency of beauty.
Micha’s graven image was purchased for 200 shekels [Judges 17:4 and 18], and led to the introduction of idolatry into Israel and blotting out of the Tribes of Dan and Ephraim from the blessing of Revelation 7, showing us the insufficiency of mere religion.
Ezra’s 200 “singing men and women” [Ezra 2:65], were “not sufficient” to produce “peace with God,” true spiritual worship, or joy in The Lord. Only God’s Word rightly ministered can lead to this [Nehemiah 8:5-9]. This shows the insufficiency of external things in the worship of God, and the impossibility of worshipping God with the senses. True worship, which alone God will accept, MUST [John 4:24] be spiritual.
390 shin-tsadik This is the number of Israel [Ezekiel 4:5], being 13 x 30; as 65 [5 x 13] is the number of Ephraim [Isaiah 7:8]; as 40 [5 x 8] is the number of Judah [Ezekiel 4:6]; and 70 [7 x 10] is the number of Jerusalem.
As a matter of chronology it was 390 years from the division of the Tribes to the Captivity, and thus the duration of the separate kingdoms of Israel was 390 years, as referred to in Ezekiel ch.4
400 tau 400 is the product of 8 and 50, and is a divinely perfect period. From the fulfilment of the promise to Abraham in the birth of Isaac to the Exodus was a period of 400 years. Stephen mentions it as dating from “his seed” [Acts 7:6], and God dates it from the same point when He says to Abraham, “thy seed” [Genesis 15:13*]
It is popularly confounded with quite a different period of: 430 years…...see over.
430 tau-lamed 430 years, though, it has the same point as to its termination, does not commence at the same point. From the call of Abraham or the “promise” made to him at that call [Genesis 12:3], unto the Exodus was 430 years. This covers the whole period of the “sojourning”; not of Abraham’s “seed,” as in Genesis 15:13* and Acts 7:6, but of Abraham himself. This is what is mentioned in Galations 3:17 as the period from the “promise” to the “Law”. It is referred to also in Exodus 12:40, where the “sojourning” is the nominative case [or subject] of the verb, while the sentence, “who dwelt in Egypt,” is merely a relative clause, defining parenthetically an important point concerning them.
* The structure of this verse rescues it from the way in which it is sadly misunderstood
A | “Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a strange land that is not theirs,
B | and shall serve them,
b | and they shall afflict them
a | four hundred years.”
The structure places B and b in a parenthesis. A and a cover the whole time of the sojourn, while B and b refer to the service and sojourn during a parenthesis of unnamed length within that time. The structure of Acts 7:6 is exactly the same.
490 tau-tsadik This is the period of the 70 sevens referred to under the head of Chronology, eg:
1. From the birth of Abram to the Exodus was actually………..505 yrs
2. Deducting the 15 years whilst Ishmael was Abram/s seed..…15 yrs
490 yrs
A full account in Dr.Bullinger’s book: NUMBER IN SCRIPTURE pages 5 to 7.
We need not therefore enlarge on it here beyond pointing out the Spiritual significance of the number itself as being seven times seventy.
Daniel was praying and he was concerned about the seventy years prophecy of Jeremiah [Daniel 9:2 and Jeremiah 25:11-12, 29:10]. And the answer meant that though those 70 appointed years were about to end in restoration and blessing, another period of seven times seventy years had been determined [Daniel 9:24-27], and they would commence from the very decree [Nehemiah ch.2] which should end the former seventy years. And these should run their course marked by certain incidents, before the full and final restoration of Daniel’s “city” and “people” should be accomplished.
The number 490 marks the product of Spiritual Perfection [7] with regard to the working out of Jerusalem’s number [70]. For seven times seventy is 490.
666 cxV is "the number of a man" [Revelation 13:17], which will be again manifested in connection with the last great apostasy.
Many names may be found, the numerical value of whose letters amounts to 666. We have a list of about forty such gematria. Most of them are ridiculous, inasmuch as instead of the gematria being- confined to Hebrew and Greek (which have no Arabic or other special signs for figures), the principle is extended to names in English, French, and other modern languages, on the assumption that they would have been spelt in exactly the same way; whereas we know that names both of persons and places are not simply transliterated in various languages. It is absurd therefore to attempt to take words from the modern European languages which use Arabic figures.
Gematria is not a means by which the name is to be discovered; but it will be a test and a proof by which the name may be identified after the person is revealed.
If six is the number of secular or human perfection, then 66 is a more emphatic expression of the same fact, and 666 is the concentrated expression of it; 666 is therefore the trinity of human perfection; the perfection of imperfection; the culmination of human pride in independence of God and opposition to His Christ.
The number, however, has to be computed [pseEphidzO], to reckon, to calculate, not merely to count or enumerate). See Rev. 13:18. Therefore it is not to be known by gematria merely, though, as we have said, that will be one of the factors in the calculation, just as the letters in the word Jesus amount to 888.
3. Confirming the examples of the gematria of Hebrew and Koinee Greek words and phrases
This concludes the short extracts from Dr.Bullinger’s book: Number in Scripture [ISBN 0-8254-2204-3] It brings to an end the references to his limited list of number meanings. If it has generated an interest in the way that God expresses Himself through numbers, the reader will find the fascinating book full of very informative examples of God’s presence in the whole of His creation. Here is a summary:
1. The meaning of the number of the times a word or phrase in either Hebrew or Greek is expressed by God, is confirmed by its subject.
2. The meaning of the number which is the summation of the factors of the number of each letter of a title or name expressed by God, confirms the character of the person.
3. To note the numerical applications of Dr.S.E.Jones….The number of times a name or word is mentioned confirms the context within which that name or word is contained.
4. The determination and pattern of Prime Numbers discovered by Dr.Peter Plichta.
Diagram 1. Shows the natural positioning of Prime Numbers fixed on the limited eight rays of the twenty-four rays positioning numbers from one to163. The positioning of Prime numbers along each ray is not consistent. The spiral positioning can be extended to infinity with all prime numbers remaining upon these eight rays.
Diagram 2, the second ray shows the the prime numbers with the squares of the numbers in which it itself is coded: 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23.
5. The calculation of Prime Numbers, With Prime Number Tables from 2 to 9109.
On the following pages, as an aid for those students of God’s Word who wish to examine the meaning of the gematria of words and phrases for themselves in order to more fully understand God’s mind, we include two tables of prime numbers. Reference to the primes in these tables will save much time in resolving the factors of any gematria.
The calculation of Prime Numbers, the oldest problem in mathematics, has finally bee sold. These are the opening words of a book containing the original mathematical treatise: DIRECT CALCULATION OF PRIME NUMBERS authored and discovered by James M. McCanney M.S. To learn more, visit his Web Site:
6. The importance of the numbers 40 and 49 in combination with Reference to the present condition of The House of Judah
After studying the gematria and numerology of the Christian Scriptures for many years, Dr. Stephen E.Jones wrote this comment concerning the number 40:
In the N.T. we find that Jesus ascended after appearing to His Disciples over a period of 40 days. When He ascended He said that He would return in like manner.. Perhaps this forty day period is prophetic of a FORTY-JUBILEE period, wherein He has continually taught us since His resurrection. Perhaps He will return some time after forty Jubilees of the Church's time of trial and testing. If so, we are in that season now, for 1993 was the 40th Jubilee of the Church's wilderness time.
This writer believes that Dr.Jones is correct in drawing attention to the importance of the relationship between the number forty and the Jubilee periods, because it was his realisation that God’s timing of the affairs of The House of Judah did not stop when that House, the true Jews, were Spiritually blinded by God in 62ad.
However, Dr.Jones is not aware of the true years of Jubilee. It was Mr Maurice Lloyd, that diligent student of God’s Word, who asserted that a year of Jubilee occurred at the beginning of Messiah’s ministry, because the Law of Jubilees requires all families
to return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. [Lev 25:9-13]
It was the occasion when Messiah returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee at the commencement of His ministry in 27ad……
and He came to Nazareth where He had been brought up and as His custom was He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto Him the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book He found the place where it was written:
The Spirit of The Lord is upon Me , because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me
to heal the broken hearted,
to preach deliverance to the captives,
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty them that are bruised,
to preach the acceptable year of The Lord.
From the timing of events based upon this year of 27ad, it is understood from previous studies, that this Jubilee is known to be the 30th.
Some years later in 62ad, because of the intransigence of The House of Judah in not accepting their king nor His kingdom, God Spiritually blinded them. [Acts 28:26-27] This remains their condition to-day. Their refusal to accept the Godly record of the New Testament Scriptures means that they are unable to determine, and therefore act upon their lawful Jubilees. Their Rabbis, Teachers, do not know in which Jubilee period they are living.
Following Dr.Jones’ logic, we would say that the Jews have been, and are, experiencing the trauma of the condition which is associated with the number 40…….a period of probation, trial and chastisement. We have to ask the question ’Forty what?’ Days, months, years ? Certainly non of these because the time is well passed with the condition enduring.
49 years is the ’building block’ of God’s timing system. Not only is it used to determine the Jubilee span, but multiples of it determine the time between many major events. [See By Grace No.6ML Examples of Heptadic Structure and By Grace No.25 and No.10]
Isaiah, a prophet of The House of Judah, tells us that the present trauma of the Jews will end when they are known to have a fearful heart :
Be strong, fear not: Behold your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.
Thus the completion of this present period of the Jew’s probation, trial and chastisement can be determined by calculating the number of years occupied by 40 Jubilee periods of 49 years……...1960 years.
This span of 1960 years, which began in 62ad will therefore end in the manner described by Isaiah, in 2022ad, fourteen years before the 71st Jubilee.