By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.
Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick
Copyright 2007-2024
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On the first day of Creation, God created light but no sources are mentioned. Where, then, did the light originate? What was generating it? Genesis 1:4 gives us a hint '...and he [God] separated the light from the darkness.' Compare this with verse 14: ' Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years...'. It appears, then, that for the first three days, God was either directly or indirectly involved in separating the light from the darkness, which He had named 'Day' and 'night' respectively (v.5). After Day 4, however, this task was assigned to the newly created Sun and Moon.
Therefore, given that light and darkness were being separated for the first three days such that day and night existed, it is not at all unreasonable to suggest that some kind of temporary, directional light source existed up until Day 4. It is interesting to note that the rabbinical interpreters believed that God created a primeval light independent of the Sun, which was later withdrawn and stored up for the righteous in the Messianic future.[3] Indeed, Revelation 21:23 and 22:5 also seem to support this view: God Himself, rather than the Sun, will somehow illuminate the New Jerusalem.
Rather than actually describing particular events, these terms may simply be general markers of time. As with most words, the terms evening and morning can have different shades of meaning depending on the context. The word evening usually describes the short period of time when the sun is sinking below the horizon. However, it is also often used to generally describe the period of time at the end of the work day, i.e. between finishing work and going to bed. Indeed, it is during this period of time that most people have their evening meal, yet this does not necessarily mean that they actually eat it while the sun is setting!
Similarly, ‘morning’ can refer to any time before midday, not just the short period of time when the sun is emerging from the horizon.
This idea fits very well with the context of Genesis 1. Each day of Creation describes the activities of God on that day and is terminated by the phrase, ‘And then there was evening and then there was morning the nth day’. Thus, God worked for a period of time before finishing (marked by the term ‘evening’), and began a period of inactivity which continued until ‘morning’ when he began working again. In other words, the term ‘evening’ refers to the beginning of the period when God was inactive, and the term ‘morning’ refers to the termination of God’s inactivity and the beginning of the next days work.
Furthermore, note that sunset and sunrise can occur at vastly different times of the day depending on the country and the sea son. For example, for about a month during summer, G‰llivare, in Lapland (northern Sweden) which is inside the Arctic Circle, experiences sunlight 24 hours a day. Lapland is known as the land of the ‘midnight sun’. Conversely, for about a month during winter, G‰llivare experiences perpetual darkness. Sunset and sunrise never occur during these periods, so ‘evening’ and ‘morning’ in this sense never occur! But the absence of sunlight or the absence of darkness, however, does not mean that there is no concept of evening or morning (or day-time and night time). Rather than referring to sunset and sunrise, ‘evening’ and ‘morning’ serve as simple time markers for the beginning and ending of God’s activity as described above.
In any case, the occurrence of evenings and mornings before the creation of the Sun on Day 4 provides no reason to doubt the truth of Scripture in general and the Creation account in particular.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andrew Kulikovsky is an M.A. candidate in theology at Louisiana Baptist University, and is working on a Biblical theology of creation. He holds a B.App.Sc.(Hons) in Computer and Information Science from the University of South Australia, and currently works as a software engineer. Andrew Kulikovsky for Saab Systems Australia.
In The Book of Enoch there are three important dream sequences the last of which, The Apocalypse of Weeks, records future events from the time of Adam’s sin in 4132bc to the beginning of The Day of God. This period is divided into ten weeks, each of which is 700 years.. Thus each ‘day’ is 100 years.
Although Moses compiled and wrote the Pentateuch according to Jesus Christ Himself [John 5:40], he must have incorporated records which were made before the flood, having been carried over by Noah.
It is probable therefore that the seven days of God’s creation and rest in Genesis chapter one, forming one ‘week’, occupied the same time, i.e. 700 years.