By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

An Explanation of Scripture Research: An Introduction

All research of The Christian Scriptures should be based upon the following inspired beliefs and activities:

1. The ready acceptance of the belief that the Christian Scriptures themselves, commonly called "The Bible" were written by men who were impelled in the Spirit to record the thoughts and statements of God Himself. This impulsion has the name of Jesus Christ. The Expression of God. To be fully effective, it is necessary for the student to have a deep sense of humility in subjection to the Author and His work.

2. The record reveals that God Himself in the form of flesh came into the world to lay a foundation for the Godly righteousness of and prepare His future rule. Mankind's relationship with God was broken by the disobedience of our physical father, Adam, and can only be restored by the His atoning sacrifice of The Lamb of God in blood and His raising by God to Life. By this, the intelligence or Spirit of God is enabled to bear witness with the intelligence or spirit of the believer. If this activity is not present, Christ Himself tells us that we do not belong to Him.

3. This record, when studied, is the Godly sustenance which provides for the well-being and activities of the true mind of the believer.

4. It is well sustained in the life of the believer by regular prayer and supplication, thus maintaining a dialogue based upon mutual love and provision.

5. The record tells each believer that he is positioned and has a calling out of Jesus Christ, a very positive place in God's Plans.

6. The Scripture records the Eternal Life of God, which is gifted to all believers, guaranteed by the presence of The Spirit of God Himself.

This research is categorised under the following headings:

The Path to Christian Maturity

The Administration of God's Grace

The Book of Enoch, the Seventh from Adam

Times and Seasons determined from the Bible Record

Defining the meaning and time of The Last Days

The Seventy Weeks upon thy People and upon thy Holy City

God's work from 'In the Beginning' to 'The Day of God'

Esau and the Nephilim


Important Insights from other Christians

The Pattern of Sound Words

Personal Progress

Are you being Deceived?

The Writer's Confirmation of Faith

Charting New testament time periods
The Path to Christian Maturity
Many would say that this depends upon the fruit of the Spirit, the characteristics of which, God is ever leading us to observe. It is however not that which God desires the believer to concentrate upon to attain maturity.

Everyone that uses milk is unskilful in the Word of Righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongs to them which are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Hebrews 5:13

By Grace 35/ 36/ 67/ 71/ 72/ 73


The Administration of God's Grace
This great work of God began in 69ad and is still administered at the present time of writing in 2010ad.

Since you have heard of The Administration of The Grace of God which is given to me for you. Ephesians 3:2

It succeeded the unfinished work of Christ and the apostles who established the foundation of Israel's future Kingdom of Heaven. When this was postponed, the opportunity to introduce this Administration arouse because Israel did not wholeheartedly accept either their king or their kingdom.

Hearing you will hear and not understand and seeing you will see and not perceive. Acts 28:26

At the same time the authority to proclaim The Gospel was withdrawn from Israel and authorised through the written Word.

To the nations is commissioned the Salvation of God. And they will hear. Acts 28:28

By Grace 15/ 44/
Also Seed and Bread Leaflets 11/ 57/ 64/


The Book of Enoch, The Seventh from Adam
The inspired authority of this book is established by the many times it is quoted in the Bible and by the fact that up to the time of the late first century it was included amongst the sanctified writings. It is now recognised that it's contents apply to the present time:

Enoch, a righteous man whose eyes were opened by God saw the vision of The Holy One in the heavens. The angels showed me and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is to come... The Holy Great One will come forth from his dwelling... and will tread upon the earth. Enoch 1:2

Many of it's initial chapters have been deliberately corrupted, but the later Dream Visions, are known for their accuracy. The Apocalypse of Weeks is the third.

And now I know this mystery, that sinners will alter and pervert the Words of Righteousness in many ways... But when they write down truthfully all my words in their languages, and do not change nor minish ought from my words but write them all down truthfully - all that I first testified concerning them, then I know another mystery, that books shall be given to the righteous and the wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom. Enoch 104:10

By Grace 11/ 22/ 23/ 24


Times and Seasons determined from the Biblical Record
Those Christians who recognise and walk according to the present Administration of God's Grace also recognise that God has opened to them much wisdom.

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full realisation of Him: The eyes of your heart being enlightened; so that you may perceive what is the expectation of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the transcendent greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and seating him in his right among the most elevated... Ephesians 1:17

Such wisdom was not available to those Christians of the previous Administration of God's Kingdom in Israel.

Jesus said to the disciples:It is not yours to know the times or the seasons which The Father placed in His own authority Acts 1:7

By Grace 8/ 9/ 10/ 14/ 28/ 43/ 54/ 71/ 74/


Defining the meaning and time of The Last Days
The many comments and definitions of this particular time are nothing short of guesswork. The questions What? When? and Why? never receive precise answers which can be fully substantiated by The Word of God. The divine system of numbers, upon which the whole Scripture depends, are rarely if ever applied. Some claim that the 19 references to these days cannot be accepted as a single period of time thus exposing their ignorance and introducing confusion into the understanding of the subject of prophecy. Following the rules of God's numerology and the language of Scripture interpretation results in a very positive answer to those questions.

Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years. Genesis 47:9

And Jacob called unto his sons and said, gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in The Last Days. Genesis 49:1

By Grace 5/ 39/ 40/
Also Maurice Lloyd 28/
Also Seed and Bread leaflets 14/


The Seventy Weeks upon thy people and upon thy holy city
The key to understanding Daniel's most important prophecy is the recognition of the work of The Christ given in the six items of His commission. (Luke 4: 16-21).
This is the groundwork which enables the six purposes of the seventy weeks of years to be fulfilled (Daniel 9:24)
This preparatory work of The Christ is performed during the first seven weeks (49 years) of the prophecy, ending at the commandment given by the anointed one, the resurrected King David. The forty-nine years are not yet complete, fourteen years remaining after the Jews regain their Spiritual sight and understanding.

Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not: behold your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you. then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Isaiah 35:4

By Grace 25/ 60/ 70/
Maurice Lloyd 2/


God's work from 'In The Beginning' to 'The Day of God'.
The majority of this work, from the sin of Adam to 'The Day of God', is outlined in the ten weeks of Enoch's Apocalypse, the authority of which is described in the leaflets listed above (BG 25, 60, 70). Two additional periods or Administrations were not known to Enoch, being hid in God until revealed to the apostle Paul at the time of the Jerusalem destruction in 69/70ad.
Two other periods must be included. the so called theory of the time gap between verses one and two of Genesis chapter one,

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth... and the earth was without form and void. Genesis 1:1

and the seven 'days' of forming and creation of the earth prior to Adam's sin. the application of the inspired numerology brings all these periods together in three major eras totalling 14,700 years.

By Grace 7/


Esau and The Nephilim
At the present time there is much talk and speculation regarding the possibility of extraterrestrial interference with earth's peoples. The entertainment media ensures that this is not ignored. Writers and some students of The Bible and ancient secular documents seems to suggest that aliens and/or the Nephilim have been and are about to reveal themselves as the saviours of mankind.
The understanding of the true origin of these beings has been distorted in order to lead us to accept their authority. The present day descendants of the generation of the patriarch Esau, Jacob's twin brother, support this covert authority, to usurp the inheritance of Jacob's generation, the twelve tribes of the true Israel.
This condition, underlying the word's politics and stolen science, is hidden from the world's population in order to manifest at a future time, a world controlled by religious deceit. This deceit is clearly revealed when the Bible studied to gain the understanding of Good and Evil.

The Generation of Adam/Cain and Adam Seth.
These are the generations of the heavens and the earth, when they were created in the day that The Lord God made the earth and the heavens. Genesis 2:4

Cain is exiled from the earth.
Cain went out from the presence of The Lord and dwelt on the Earth- Wanderer. Genesis 4:16

Cain's generation returns to the earth before and after the universal flood.
There were Nephilim on the earth in those days and also after that. Genesis 6:4

The generation of Esau is dwelling on the planets
The pride of your heart has deceived you, you that dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is above; that says in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the earth? Though you exalt yourself as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, thence will I bring you down, says The Lord. Obadiah 3

Esau still seeks to replace Jacob
I know the blasphemy of them which say they are the Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

The judgement of Esau
Let both the wheat and the tares grow together until the harvest. I will say to the reapers gather you together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn. Matthew 13:30

By Grace 18/ 50/ 51/ 52/ 53/ 65/ 69/


The work recorded within these leaflets seeks to offer correction to a number of commonly held interpretations of Bible passages. Such as:

The timing of Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the multi-metal image,
The implication of Paul's understanding during the years 62 to 70 ad
Paul's thorn in the flesh
The presence of Neanderthal man in The Scripture
The generations of the heaven and the earth
The true Christian hope for today
Paul's three commissions
Understanding days

A number of the Koinee Greek words of the N.T have been examined for an improved understanding. these include:

Prefix 'EPI'
ta epigeia

Regarding the Scripture's revelation of times, those of the following events are recorded:

The House of Ephraim-Israel's 'Not My People' condition
God's Eon
Judah's captivity in 'Babylon'
The second Advent of Jesus Christ
Daniel's seventy weeks of years
The beginning, span and end of The Last Days

By Grace 16/ 17/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 26/ 27/ 29/ 34/ 37/ 38/ 41/ 42/ 61/

Important Insights from other Christians
These researches of other Christians give essential understanding of basic problems which determine the flow of Truth. The length of time occupied by 'a day' is always determined by the correct interpretation of its context. The recognition that the island of Eden was unique, being a perfect creation of God. The understanding of how we use the word 'Jew' in today's political climate. The gradual reduction in the speed of light over the last 7000 years directly affects all measurements of time based upon the decay of the carbon atom. The essential avoidance of all arguments which seek to deny the time period between the statements in Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.

By Grace 6/ 12/ 13/ 59/ 62/ 63/


The Pattern of Sound Words
This series refers to the many aids that have been prepared by man an God for those who wish to search diligently for an understanding of many of the problems which beset mankind. Concordances and Lexicons as well as an open mind to accept prompting of God's Spirit.
Aids to understand Hebrew and Greek. Who's Who lists and maps. God's interwoven structures and patterns. The consistent meaning of the numerical base, not only of the words but also of the letters themselves. the understanding of the meaning of such numbers as 7, 40 and 49 etc.

By Grace 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/


Personal Progress
This is a record and witness to the consistent leading by God from the years of my infancy to this new 21st Century, from Spiritual foundations in a Congregational Church to the freedom and maturity of the knowledge of good and evil. The avoidance of the egotistical mind character which is imposed by academia. The development of the ability to appreciate the revealed meaning of 'the pattern of sound words'. The recognition of the simplicity of the structures of God's Word which comes from the understanding of the Messiah's statement: 'except you be converted and become as little children you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'

By Grace 45/ 46/ 47/ 48/ 49/ 55/ 56/ 57/ 64/ 66/ 68/ 72/


Are you being Deceived?
The initial work of Christ and His apostles is not yet complete.
This work did not end in the first century ad, its completion being postponed due to the inadequate response of the House of Judah to the proclamation of the Kingdom in Israel. At the time of this postponement after thirty five years, Spiritual blindness was imposed upon that House. The ministry of Christ and His apostles will continue when that blindness is withdrawn (Isaiah 35:5). Daniel has told us that this initial phase of 49 years, of the seventy weeks, will have passed. 14 years therefore remain. When those have ended, the promised Kingdom in Israel can begin. the resurrected and anointed King David will again rule Israel for over 400 years before the Second Advent of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Many Christians are being deceived.
World events both physical and political are being activated to give the impression that those Scriptural prophecies associated with The Second Advent are imminent. This counterfeit activity will be manifested by the use of man's perverted and covert science developed over the last hundred years (2 Tim Chp 3)

Many Christians have already succumbed to this deceit, persuading their followers by convincing quotations from The Bible 'that these things are so', thus being caught in the Adversary's net, by which he hopes to attain total control over mankind in order to falsely pre-empt the loving and gererous promises of God.

By Grace 3/ 18/ 27/ 37/ 38/ 39/ 40/ 53/ 58/ 60/ 69/


The Writer's Confirmation of Faith
The understanding of the Christian Scriptures explained in these leaflets has not come about by any casual relationship with Our Personal God even The Lord Jesus Christ. It is the result of an intimacy gained through a deep desire to absorb that which is taught by The Expression of God Himself, in all humility putting aside ones own understanding, conditioned and distorted by years of relationship with academia.

The acceptance of Eonian Life and all the blessings associated with it, was experienced over fifty years ago when its foundation was recognised in the descriptive title, The Lamb of God. At the time it became clear that it was possible to grasp and understand absolute Truth. No longer would there be distortion or deceitful imaginings, the Way of ultimate Truth was accessible.

Religion and false formalities of a distorted Christian dogma, were seem for what they really are, a means of controlling a believers mind in order to support a system which can be manipulated by false spiritual needs.

The One to one relationship between believer and His God, on the basis of the inspired communication formed by The Scriptures and a believers supplications, if fully committed, cannot be corrupted. Assurance and confidence in the promises and revelations of God becomes The Way that is walked. It is the underlying determination of a martyr...

The fundermentals of this Individual Christian walk is expained in the following leaflets in the archive of Mr. Otis Q. Sellers. They continue to be published posthumously by The Word of Truth Ministry.

Seed and Bread leaflets 1/ 2/ 3/ 18/ 21/ 51/ 69/

Charting New Testament Time Period
Coloured bar charts illustrate God's New Testament time periods with explanations of events.

By Grace 79/ 80/ 81/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 93/ 94/
