By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

Apocalypse of Weeks: Confirmation of Events


There follows a copy of the preamble after which Enoch tells all of his sons about God’s plans for the future. It concerns:

the children of righteousness
the elect of the world
the plant of uprightness,

We know this prophesy as The Apocalypse of Weeks.

Hear ye sons of Enoch, all the words of your father, and hearken aright to the voice of my mouth; for I exhort you and say unto you beloved: love uprightness and walk therein, and draw not nigh unto uprightness with a double heart, and associate not with those of a double heart, but walk in righteousness my sons and it shall guide you on good paths and righteousness shall be your companion…...and now I tell you, my sons, and show you the paths of righteousness and the paths of violence, Yes I will show them to you again that you may know what will come to pass. And now hearken unto me , my sons, and walk in the paths of righteousness and walk not in the paths of violence, for all who walk in the paths of unrighteousness shall perish for ever

And after that Enoch both gave and began to recount from the books. And Enoch said: ‘Concerning the children of righteousness and concerning the elect of the world, and concerning the plant of uprightness, I will speak these things, yes I Enoch will declare them unto you my sons: According to that which appeared to me in the heavenly vision, and I have known through the word of the holy angels, and have learnt from the heavenly tablets.

All the events and activities described by Enoch in this Apocalypse of Weeks are shown in the following chart. Their dates and corresponding references in the Old and New Testament are also noted:


The dates shown in this table are based upon and relate to, the events described at the close of the sixth week of Enoch’s Apocalypse.:

And in it a man shall ascend; And at its close the house of dominion shall be burnt with fire, And the whole race of the chosen root shall be dispersed.

This occurred in 69ad when the Roman army, after considerable provocation, attacked the rebel army of the Israelites, destroying Jerusalem and most of The Temple. Thus the Kingdom remains under the heel of the nations, as it is to-day under the House of Esau, and will be until the Second Advent of The Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ

From this known date at the close of the sixth week, each of which is seven hundred years in duration, the date at the beginning of the first week, when Adam sinned, can be calculated:

[6 x 700] — 69[ad] + 1 [adjustment ad to bc] = 4132bc

The ages of the patriarchs and the knowledge that the 30th Jubilee of 49year spans occurred in 27ad, gives a firm base for dating Old Testament events.

The weeks of the Apocalypse, from the close of the 6th week at 69ad, have been extended beyond the knowledge of Enoch by two hidden Administrations, that of God’s Grace [ which formed the basis of Paul’s Second commission] and that of the Completion of Times [], both revealed to Paul in 69ad.

From careful study and research into the intricate nature of The God Breathed Word, it is clear that the most important span of time between Godly events is 49 years. This is the span required by God for the time between Israel’s Jubilees. In Leviticus ch.25 verse 8 Moses tells the Israelites::

And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years. Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land. And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap that which groweth of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of thy vine undressed. For it is the jubilee; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field. In the year of this jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession
49 Although this is the best known example of this time span, the 49 year period is consistently used by God to determine the completion of many other periods of His activity..

The meaning of this figure 49 is based upon the fact that it is 7 x 7, I.e. 7 squared, which emphasises God’s meaning of the number 7.:

7 In the Hebrew seven is ubc[shevah] The root meaning is: to be full or satisfied, have enough of. Hence the meaning of the word ‘seven’ is dominated by this root, for on the seventh day God rested from the work of creation. It was full and complete, and good and perfect. Nothing could be added to it or taken from it without marring it…….It is seven, therefore, that stamps with perfection and completeness that in connection with which it is used. Of time it tells of the Sabbath, and marks off the week of seven days, which, artificial as it may seem to be, is universal and immemorial in its observance amongst all nations and in all times.

In the creative works of God, seven completes the colours of the spectrum, and satisfies in music the notes of the scale. In each of these the eighth is only a repetition of the first. [Number in Scripture]

The Scripture student will readily recognise another most important time span that of forty, whether it is of years or days, from the forty days and nights of rain upon the earth in Genesis 7:4, through the reference to the wilderness judgement in Hebrews 3:17, to the 40 days temptation of The Christ by the Devil.
40 Forty has long been universally recognized as an important number, both on account of the frequency of its occurrence, and the uniformity of its association with a period of probation, trial, and chastisement—(not judgment, like the number 9, which stands in connection with the punishment of enemies, but the chastisement of sons, and of a covenant people).

It is the product of 5 and 8, and points to the action of grace (5), leading- to and ending in revival and renewal (8). This is certainly the case where forty relates to a period of evident probation. But where it relates to enlarged dominion, or to renewed or extended rule, then it does so in virtue of its factors 4 and 10, and in harmony with their signification.

There are 15 such periods which appear on the surface of the Scriptures, and which may be thus classified:—

Forty Years of Probation by Trial:
Israel in the wilderness, Deut. viii. 2-5; Ps. xcv. 10;
. Acts xiii. 18 (the third 40 of Moses* life, 120 years).
Israel from the crucifixion to the destruction of Jerusalem.
Forty Years of Probation by Prosperity in Deliverance and Rest:
under Othniel, Judg. iii. 11,
under Barak, Judg. v. 31,
under Gideon, Judg. viii. 28.
Forty Years of Probation by Prosperity in Enlarged Dominion:
under David, 2 Sam. v. 4,
under Solomon, I Kings xi. 42,
under Jeroboam II. See 2 Kings xii. 17, i8; xiii. 3, 5, 7, 22, 25 ;
xiv. 12-14, 23, 28,
under Jehoash, 2 Kings xii. I,
under Joash, 2 Chron. xxiv. i.
Forty Years of Probation by Humiliation and Servitude:
Israel under the Philistines, Judg. xiii. i.
Israel in the time of Eli, i Sam. iv. 18.
Israel under Saul, Acts xiii. 21.
Forty Years of Probation by Waiting :
Moses in Egypt, Acts vii. 23 .
Moses in Midian, Acts vii. 30. [Number in Scripture]

At the present time, the House of Judah is Spiritually blind and without understanding, the condition applied by God at Acts 28:27 in 62ad. This will continue until God removes this restraint [Isaiah 35: 4-6]. This is a period of Probation by Trial and Servitude, based upon the time span of 40years.

How many of these 40year time spans will the House of Judah have to suffer before God reverses their condition ? As previously stated, the figure having the meaning of completion is 49. Fortynine 40 year periods is 1960 years, this being the total number of years from 62ad, during which The House of Judah will have been Spiritually blinded.

We can therefore expect this condition to end in 2022ad.