By Grace
These studies are non-denominational being founded upon the Grace of God alone.

Authored by G.T Morris
Arranged by F. Limbrick

Copyright 2007-2024
Built with Indexhibit

This study and calculation is based upon the charted dates contained in a table and listed in leaflet: By Grace No. 9 and 10...Summation of Biblical Dates. It indicates the final destruction of the residue of Herod's Temple at the time seven years before the manifestation of The Lord Jesus Christ [Colossians 3:4], after which the edict to restore and build Jerusalem goes forth.


1. Each period is divisible by 7 which indicates an authentic timing based upon Shemittahs.

2. The first period of 546 years has been determined by the diligent work of Mr. Maurice Lloyd who defines the start date of 478bc in the following manner:

The accuracy of the Jewish records, and their present day Sabbatic Years being synchronic with those of Scripture.

[b] Jewish archives record that the burnings of The Temple at the end of Zedekiah's reign occurred in the year after a Sabbatic Year, on the 9th of Ab, and

[c] on a Friday at the Priestly course of Jehoiarib.
[d] The identical circumstances marked the burning of the Temple in 69/70ad. This provides four sequences by which to verify the years separating the two events,

[e] to which can be added a further check from eclipse cycles. Only a space of 546 years meets all these requirements

3. The period of 1953 years is based upon the Jubilee years of The House of Judah, the Jews. The Kingdom of God in Israel, would have been established at the time of the 31st Jubilee in 76ad, had the people been ready for it. In 62ad [Acts 28:28], because God judged them to be unready, He took from them their Spiritual sight and hearing, after which a new Administration was introduced to the whole world, that of God's Grace in which Salvation is open to all people. Shortly, just before the time of the 71st Jubilee in 2036ad, Spiritual sight and hearing will be returned to The House of Judah in 2022ad. This time of God's silence towards the Jews will have lasted 1953 years.

4. The period of 1953 years is shown on the following chart beginning at the end of the first transition period of one Shemittah and ending at the beginning of the second transition period of one Shemittah.

5. The destruction of Herod's Temple in 69-70ad, accepted by Christ as His Father's House, was an act of judgement, indicated by the figure 9 in the factors of 1953. The Messiah stated 'not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down'. However, the foundation stones were not 'thrown down', remaining until to-day in 2008, being known as the present 'wailing wall'. For Christ's prophesy to be totally fulfilled, these foundation stones must be removed. The spans of time shown on the above chart indicate that this will occur in 2022ad.

6. The addition of these two periods, 2499 years, has the remarkable factors of: 49 x 3 x 17. The factor of 49 indicates the Jubilee spans, factor 3 indicates the completeness of the matter, which therefore points to the probable construction of the Ezekiel Temple following the destruction of whatever residual antichristian edifice occupies the site, the factor 17 is the addition of 10 and 7 .......the union of Spiritual Perfection with Ordinal Perfection. In other words: The Perfection of Spiritual Order.

7. At this present time, throughout the last 2000years, we have lived in The Administration of God's Grace. There is no prophetic reference to this period because it was hidden in God until revealed by the Apostle Paul late in the transition period 62 to 69ad. Prior to that, it was unknown even amongst the eons, the heavenly beings.


The Christians who were generated during the Ministry of Christ and The Apostles [during The Acts Period] were expecting God to have intervened by the time of the 31st Jubilee in 76ad. At that time, it would have been 49 years [one Jubilee period] from 27ad when The Christ began His ministry.

After much careful consideration, it has been determined that this Administration of God's Grace will continue for 1960years, i.e. 40 periods of 49 years. These figures speak for themselves, particularly when we recognise that this period is immediately followed by the 71st Jubilee, leading eventually to the Second Advent or parousia of Jesus Christ at the 80th Jubilee [a significant number], at the completion of Daniel's 70 weeks of years, details of which are given in the leaflet By Grace No. 25 [see also the diagram on page 3]

The uniting of the twelve tribes of Israel and the initiation of the Kingdom in Israel in answer to the Apostles question [Acts 1:6] would have taken place at the time of the 31st Jubilee in 76ad had God not postponed it because of the intransigence of the Jews. This lukewarm condition of the mind of the Judahites enabled God to introduce the present Administration of His Grace at the time when the Romans had partially destroyed The Temple.

The time when the Kingdom is restored to Israel before the date of the 71st Jubilee in 2036ad, will therefore see many remarkable changes in God's relationship with those that are His, and indeed with mankind, not the least of which will be the construction in Jerusalem of the New Temple specified in the book of Ezekiel, chapter forty onwards..
Mr. Maurice Lloyd’s skilful assessment of the date when Nebuchadnezzar's troops destroyed Solomon’s temple in 478bc is commendable. However, God’s numerology suggests an alternative solution based upon the timings of 49years between events. The full span of years between the complete Temple destructions would no change but its tart and finish would be moved forward by one shemmith….417bc to 2029ad remaining at 2499years [49.51].. The date for the Roman destruction of Herod’s Temple remains at 9/70ad.By this suggested change all three time gaps are factored at 49years.